I've got a date for my TT!!
I have to be honest I was uncomfortable not in pain. I am still some what numb in the tummy and butt.Sometimes it feels like I am back to normal and then after I get off my Pilates I am numb again. I did not take much in pain meds mostly because of my allergies. I had incision completely around and I was not able to sit erect for 3 weeks. I walked around my house a few times a day and the following week had 2 of my 4 drains removed. I had a 6 hr trip to and from the dr for 10 min so I took a sleeping pill the first trip...2nd week was better I was much more alert and my dr had me taking fioricet with 1/2 valium only when needed, only thing that I don't seem to break out in hives with and bottle is still pretty full but if you can do pain meds you will be more than fine especially when you see how great you look!!! I am excited for you.
I am waiting on thigh lift approval. I saw my surgeon on Wed., he told me I will hate the scars and I am wondering if I will follow through if its approved. He was very frank with me so I am doing more research, I didn't realize how it is stitched inside the thigh to the pelvic bones which can effect the labia....not sure I will want to feel like I have air flapping inside me if the stitch should fail. Have some soul searching to do on this one though I would do all I have already done if I had to again in a heartbeat. TT/Butt lift BR/BL and I am having a revision on my belly button flap and one small spot on my hip (measure 36 in my hips) needs a tad of lipo....my left breast is a bit less as full than right. Only way to fix that would be implant and I don't want that. With removal of fibroids it left me less tissue. They look the same but I can feel the difference. I don't need to wear a bra and that is what I wanted and these girls are right where they should be.
wow i didn't realize that's how they did a thigh lift either. i don't think i'd like that. my doc was telling me about getting my arms done...i think i'll pass on that one. once i get this taken care of i'm going to start saving for the BL/BA. i said just the BL but hubby wants me to go from a C to a D. i used to be a DDD until the weight loss. i'm content with the size i am and the doc showed me how they would look after a lift and i'm ok with that size. i told hubby to wait until my tummy is flat and it'll make my girls look bigger. the doc STRONGLY suggested i get the lipo in my hips so i moved some money around and found a way to cover that expense. heck it was only $500 more so i said i've gotta go for it or it just won't look right.
i'm hoping to pull through this without pain meds but i'll keep them handy just in case..i definitely don't have that long of a trip to the doc's office though. luckily he's only about 10-15 minutes down the road.
i haven't told hubby about the nasty drains yet! i guess i better prepare him. he's so cute..he wants me to walk him through the house and show him how i like everything done so he can prove to me he can be helpful. that's really sweet but i'm so anal...i probably won't let him do anything...maybe vacuum and carry the laundry but that's about it.
thanks for sharing with me!!
I forgot to mention....I was a 34DDD prior to reduction/lift. I didn't need implants because there was enough tissue and back fat to reconstruct the breast. I am now a DD and a less full DD on my left side. Lift is always done with reduction.So reduction doesn't mean loosing the size just reconstucted the look and excess removed tissue and replacement of tissue.Insurance covers reduction/lift due to "back and neck pain." I didn't even get to buy new bras that is how my size didn't change. Something to consider. I just didn't want anything foreign and I knew in 10 yrs implants need replacing and at my age (57) I didn't want to think about another
breast surgery at 67. You on the other hand are much younger, my daughter's age but trust me breasts are breast at any age, we want to look our best even if no one but you sees them. It does empower how you feel about yourself. This was my third reduction as I always have been large breasted from age 16...I just think over sized breasts make you look larger or as I say fat all over and this is the first place to reduce if you want to look better in clothes, after all we don't walk around naked.
Example of what I mean; I remember at 118 lbs (my normal weight until 2001)
and someone told me I needed to loose weight...I was shocked until I realized it was my natural breasts making me look heavier...this was 1985 so I didn't tell anyone I was having breast reduction, that same person saw me about 3 months later and commented "wow see I told you loosing weight would make you look better" well I actually was 7lbs heavier in my body but my breast was smaller, a "C" cup instead
of "D" but I did look smaller and I was 10 lbs heavier. By the way this person was a man so go figure!
The end of January will be here before you know it!
Wishing you all the speedy recovery that I had with PS!
It was the greatest ever!!!
I was hard to convince, but finally had it done,
And I'm So happy with the results!
More of a difference than I had hoped for!!
The pain was minimal!! And I was expecting it to be really bad....
Ice packs help the swelling which keeps the pain down some (I was told)
Have the Greatest!!!
Best Wishes-
Thanks Dx! I'm so excited...although i'm actually scared for the first time with a surgery. I'm not usually nervous but this time i am. i made a note to myself about using the ice packs! how long was it until you saw the difference after you had yours done? i just sit here sometimes and try to imagine what i'm going to look like....and i have no clue! i have nothing to work with here...i have not been thin for as long as i can remember! Thanks for the well wishes those...they're much appreciated!!
that's my plan! whatever is covered by insurance i'll use to pay off this other stuff. i have it all financed now. i paid for it all yesterday..that's a big chunk of money gone! anyway anything i get reimbursed and from our taxes this year goes to paying this stuff back and then up next are the girls...hubby can't wait for those..he wants to pick the size..that's a little scary!!
I am so happy for you and i wish you all the best with this. I was wondering who is doing your surgery? And will you have a belly button when its done. I want to get mine done not sure if my ins will pay for it or not but i keep getting these bad places down where my tummy hangs and theyhurt like heck . What is a BL I am not up on all these things I wish i were. I also need to have something done with my girls but im with you this tummy thing is crazy im so tired of it i even have like two tummys one that is up above the other one its just a hunk of skin that hangs down below my breast. I love weight loss i guess i have to put up with the rest for a while. Again good luck and keep us posted I am from St louis also that is why i was wondering who is gonna do your sugury and do you like them real well.
Hi tammy...my surgeon for this is Dr. Paul Mills at Renaissance plastic surgery in st peters. he's a great guy and very thorough. he told me exactly how he'd do things and what he recommended so that i'd be totally pleased with the results. he wasn't pushy at all either. the staff there are great too. sarah the practice manager is the best. we've been emailing each other all week about this stuff. they are wonderful! if you have plastics done i highly recommend them. dr. mills has worked with a lot of "massive" weight loss patients also.
i have the same kind of tummy as you it sounds like. i have my boobs...then what i call my second set of boobs...then the belly. that's why he's doing the anchor cut. he said i wasn't just heavy front to back but also side to side and the only way to fix that is to cut from hip to hip and also a vertical cut up the middle to pull in as well as down.
oh and BL means breast lift...BA is breast augmentation..