crap its cold
hello is cold here.....about 33 gonna be 17 tonight. Thats the only time I miss the fat......I can not ever stay warm.
ok so is everyone? I am good. Insomnia sucks...treadmill sucks....water sucks...and protien shakes really suck. I am at work...yeah accounts payable and receivable......
so anyhow.....did anyone here watch the program on the learning channel or one of those educational channels....on sunday evening about the man who consumes over 33,000 calories per day!!!!!!!!!!! Truly amazing. He is so into his food that he wont give it up for a relationship with a woman. Simply sad. That is more calories than the average man needs in a two week period.
today might be a bad I have just realized that I grabbed the wrong undies....they are falling down.....must be my fat drawers...hehehe. Maybe I can paper clip them up or staple them to take up the extra space.
hey how much B12 sublingual do yall take? just wondering...I mega dose on it. I was reading that the body does not absorb it after surgery. It is cheap and there are no known side effects to taking to much.
ok anyhow, it is 8 I must get busy or look work work.
talk at lunch
hugs, tammy
Hi Tammy!! Its cold here in Indiana too!! Brrr!! I just went to the mailbox and thought,,Im not going ANYWHERE today!!!!
I suffered insomnia too, till I started taking melatonin at bedtime. I also hate water, so drink a LOT of crystal lite. Ive been drinking the apple flavored in ho****er for a change, add a little cinnamon and it tastes like hot apple cider. Hits the spot when Im freezing,,which I usually am!
I take the B12 twice a week, but have thought about taking it more since I heard that being cold all the time can be a sign of a lack of B vitamins.
I have been exercising more lately too. i made a promise to myself that whenever someone calls to chat on the phone, Ill get on the exercise bike while we chat. Its amazing how fast the time goes then! I noticed my clothes were looser today too.
Well, gotta go dig out the sewing machine,,got soome maternity clothes to make for a friend.
have a great day!

well i take 4 b12 under the tongue every day. i am anemic too so i take extra iron too. i am still cold. i think it is because the only fat on my is my butt and gutt. so i have a blanket on me all the time at home.
i went to put gas in my car at 1030 and my hands froze i could not hold the thingy. i need an exercise a treadmill. walk about 2 miles a day before 6am. i dont exercise on sat and sunday usually.
what is the melatonin for? my dr gave me trazadone. it is for depression but can be used for sleep. it works but i will pas out 20 minutes after i take i have to run to bed really fast. dozed off on the toilet once from it...hehehe.
ok well you stay warm
huggs, tammy
The melatonin is a natural substance that your body makes that regulates your body rhythm, makes ya sleepy at night...but sometimes our rhythym gets thrown off by the surgery or stress,,or just age. I take two at bedtime, and doze off within a half hour and wake up in a great mood, not real sleepy feelin either. For awhile there, I was still up when hubby got up at 5 to go to work! I would only sleep a couple of hours during the day,,at night I couldnt turn my mind off to sleep. Anyway, you can ge this at Walmart, or any grocery store. I paid 4 dollars for my bottle. Its safe.
i know what ya mean about being cold! My family bought me 2 fleecy robes for Christmas!! And houseslippers to match! LOL And my daughter made me a fleece throw, I use it EVERY DAY!! Even in the summer! Oh well, Im not complaining! I'd rather be cold and thin as fat and can't breathe!!
I just made a great dessert..I mixed sugar free fat free chocolate pudding, with 2 Tablespoons of peanut butter!! tastes like a Reese Cup! Thats 2 tablespoons per whole 2 cup bowl, which I will share with my hubby. great protein source too!! if ya like chocolate and peanut butter, try it!

Hey Chickie!
It's Laura.
Aren't all of us cold now? I live in "Sunny California" and I am here with a hoodie on, like everyday at Health Net! They say they keep the air on on here to keep us awake. Yeah, whatever. Last week we were literally in then 20's, which we are not accostomed to, so it was rough! Can't wait to see my gas bill.
As far as water, I drink tons of herbal iced tea. My favorite is Celestial Seasonings, 4 bags of Lemon Zinger and 4 bags of Berry Zinger, about 8 cups of water, and splenda. I make a pitcher. My family loves it, and I leave it unsweetened, for my hubby, but I use Splenda in it.
That is how I get my water. I am not a plain water person either. I think it's funny that alot of us have trouble with something so basic! But I guess the main thing is that
we get our fluids, right?
DO any of you have tailbone pain and aches? My suergeon said it was normal. He called my attn to it.
hey you..out there in the cold...getting lonely getting old......
sorry that was a pink floyd are you today? I am cold. Gonna snow down in these here parts...yeehaw. I am a yankee and love snow....these people here break out their parkas when the temp hits 67 degrees.
i just dont like to drink anything water...ick. so I am drinking bottled water at room temperture. I dont like any artificail sweeteners and will drink unsweet tea. I dont like coffee at all.....ick
tail bone no....unless i fall down.......I know that sitting in the bath tub is not so comfy....most hard surfaces are uncomfy. what did your dr say?? you could always bungee cord a pillow around your will look funny, but heck beauty is in the eye of the beholder.hahaha
well lookie lookie is 445 and almost quittin time.....look out flannel jammies and warm fuzzy I come.
well hey everyone....I am off like a prom dress....see all of you tomorrow
Hey Tammy,
Good to see we know the same music!
My dr said that it is normal to experience tailbone pain after weight loss and goal is achieved. Reason is that since our frames are so used to carrying all of that weight for ever, it needs to adjust to the change, and it takes a few years. Funny, I always thought it was just me! I walk around like an old lady, holding my left butt cheek cuz it hurts and literally makes me limp sometimes! It sure did this morning! Greg and I just put a nice mattress and box spring set on layaway til we get our tax return. I hope that helps.
"Off like a prom dress" I like that, mind if I use it?
Talk to you tomorrow,
Yes, I am freezing my butt off here in Michigan. No, wait my butt's already gone. And I have constant tail bone pain. I thought it was just because my padding was gone. I usually sit on a heating pad while watching tv in the evening. It keeps me warm, and helps a little with the tail pain. I have less pain when I'm sitting in a hard, upright chair because I sit more upright and more centered on my hip bones. I keep hoping the pain will lessen over time, as well as maybe getting warmer.
I'm trying a cup of SF apple cider mix for the first time. Has a bit of a fake taste, but it's warm. Definitely staying inside today.
Debra M.