07 Is here .. Are You Motivated ?
A New Year .. A New Day ... so are you ready ? Ready to make new and start fresh .. I know that I am .. but what are you going to do different .. Do you need to make adjustments . I want to share with you somethings that I hope will keep you motivated .. and out of the Danger Zone....
Many of us are post op ... maintaining , but still struggle with food issues .. with exercise.. with total Motivation .. I am here to tell you that you can do anything you want...Even if you are pre-op .. you can learn to go into your journey . Motivated and Successful .
Staying Motivated ...
No one ever said that loosing weight would be easy .. Did they ? Even with this surgery, you still must change your eating habits .. your exercise routine . Staying Motivated can be hard work, but it is not IMPOSSIBLE . The key to staying motivated is to figure out how to keep going even when you do not feel like it .
*Don't Rely on Will Power .. It does not work . Will power is driven by emotions and they can be fickle .. Emotions landed most of us into a weight problem and they wont get you out of it . Program yourself for success and stick to the program .
*Give yourself the permission to say " I don't have to want to do this all the time " By saying that you can respond accordingly . People who watch what they eat normally do not want to .. but they understand if they do not they suffer the consequences.
*Avoid Danger Zones
Clean up your pantry . You can not eat unhealthy food if it is not there . Avoid Fast food or other places that do not fit into your goals . Learn to make healthy choices if you are forced to eat there .
Change your routine. If you know you tend to eat junk food late in the evening , come up with a stress reducing activity that does not involve food .
When you get the impulse to eat, and your standing in front of food, fight it . Leave the room, go outside, but do what ever it takes . The impulse will pass. Fight the urges by the moment .
Yes , I know that with it being a new year we all tend to set new goals .. and that is awesome , but staying on track to reach them is hard .. but I am here to witness to you that you can acheive anything your heart desires . You must love yourself .. this is first and formost . Loving yourself is the key to all of this . We all had surgery so we could live healthier lives .. and enjoy our time here on Earth .. Do not let anyone ever stand in the way of your goals .. Make you the # 1 priority this year .. and everyday . Take your vitamins , your suppliments .. Get in your protein .. and never deviate from your plan to success .. Keep your eye on the prize .. and the prize is YOU .
Happy New Year to you all .. and I wish nothing but success . You all deserve it .
WOW!! Thanks for the motivation!! I'm working on my goals for 2007 right now and this has given me food for thought... no pun intended.
I've become sort of lazy over the last 6 months or so with food, fitness, and even the vitamins. I want to start 2007 off on the right direction. I agree with everything you said and I've got faith that I can get on track once again.
Make 2007 great!!!
Tracy A.