An update
Just wanted to post a hello and a brief update. The past few days have been a whirlwind of activity, goings-on and overall stress.
First of all, FIL is now home after his few days in the hospital. We was taken to the ER Wednesday morning in the wee hours. We went over prior to my lumpectomy to see him at his hospital before heading over to mine for my surgery. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and a touch of pnemonia. He is much, much better and went home yesterday.
My surgery Wednesday went well. Sentinel node biopsy was negative. We get the full pathology back this coming Thursday. Hopefully it'll show clear margins and then I can move on to radiation and hormone therapy. Have appointments with the oncologist and radiation oncologist set for the week after.
Got to take my bandage off this morning. I can actually shower today. Yea! I'm impressed as the incision is only about 2 inches or so. Has one strip of surgical tape (seristrip) across it. Then I have a smaller incision from the sentiel node biopsy up in my armpit with tape on it as well. All is swollen but overall not bad at all.
Lastly, we put our dear sweet Lady (border collie) to rest last night. It was time. She was going downhill. She had the seizure a couple of weeks ago. After being in the kennel over the holiday, she cried the first hour in the car on Tuesday and she isn't a crier. My ex had her later that day and said on Wednesday that she twice laid down on her side and cried and was also having diarrhea. He brought her to me Thursday evening to spend time with her on Friday since he was working and I was home. We had some nice time together. I took her to the ER vet Thursday when I realized there was blood in the stools. anyway, we made the decision together that this was it.
We were all there with her last night... Rich and I. Ex-hubby and new wife. Four loving parents. She fought the tranquilier with all her might. Tough gal. But she is at peace. Lady almost made it to 19 years old. She was on extra borrowed time for a number of years and in great health except for the past month or so. I'm sad but happy to have had her in my life these last 10 years. She brought me so much joy that I cannot even being to describe. I've already looked for her twice this morning and luckily I smiled rather than bawled. Think I'm cried out for now.
So, that has been my last few days. Incredibly stressful but as always I'm still standing.
Be good folks and I hope 2007 is a great year for us all.
Best wishes, Kathy
I am so sorry to hear about your Lady. It sounds as if she was in pain in the last couple of days, and now she is at peace. Having her in your life for so many years is such a blessing. I can't have pets due to my husband's allergies, and I miss them so much as they give us continual love. I cried just losing my daughter's hamsters, lol. The love of a dog is truly a gift. I hope your memories of your years together give you comfort.
Debra M.
Hi Kathy. I'm so sorry about Lady. I have an old girl here, too. She's 13 and she lays around alot. She's just getting old. It's hard to watch them go down hill. Lady's in a better place where she's not sick anymore. I think my Maggi and her will be meeting eachother soon.
I'm happy to hear the good news about your DFIL. Glad he's doing better. You sure have alot on your plate to deal with Kathy. I'll continue to pray for good results for you and a speedy recovery for you. May the New Year bring you much happiness and excellent health. May I ask...What kind of hormonal therapy will you be getting? (((HUGS))) Lunchlady
I understand your pain about Lady. We had an old lady, Casey, a collie. She was 15 when we finally had her put down. I bawled like a baby. That night, I was sitting in the famliy room watching TV. I heard her! She always laid on her side and stretched her nails over the burber capet and groaned. I heard that just as clear as a bell. I think it was her way of telling me it was okay and she was now at peace. I vowed to never have another dog cuz I just couldn't take that pain again. That lasted 2 days. About 6 weeks later we adopted another collie, Sunnie. She's wonderful but spooky. However, she seems to be becoming more like Casey as time goes on. I'm pretty sure she will be the last dog we have if my hubby has his way. We'll have to see.
I know that Casey and Rex, our 1st collie, will both be waiting for me when I reach my heavenly home. I just hope Casey is being nice to Rex in heaven cuz she was a real ***** (and I do mean *****) to him here on earth!
Hey Kathy,
Boy, you sure have faced your share of woes lately!
I'm so glad your FIL is home, and hopefully on the road to recovery. CHF is a scary demon. My FIL had it as well, along with other ailments. I pray for his recovery.. i know that a touch of pneumonia might not seem bad, but it can be for someone with CHF. My son is also down with pnuemonia, its not an easy thing to battle. I pray he gets well soon.
I know you must feel at least 50% better having the go-ahead to shower. Im so glad your initial biopsy findings were negative, and will say positive prayers that the actual pathology comes back clean. You are facing a tough road ahead of you, but going into it with knowledge, as you know, and as a strong woman, I have no doubt you will do well. Keep your strength, you will need it, and it will heal you!
Long live your memories of Lady! I too had to deal with putting down a long-term, cherished family pet this year. First time for me, and it was hard. I am so thankful though, just knowing Ginger is no longer in pain. Suffering has got to be worse on our loved animals, as they only want us to be happy, and will suffer to make us smile. My heart goes out to you, and your ex, and all the respective families during this trying time.
Much love to you woman,
Thanks for the update, Kathy. I'm glad your recovery is coming along and hope the incision is not too painful. I am also glad your FIL is back home. Sounds like you made the right decision about Lady. I've had to make that same decision in the past and it is not easy. Give yourself some time. With me, right after I had Goldie put down (cancer...), I would not consider getting another dog. After a few years, I was ready, so I adopted Amber when she was a couple of months old. She turns 8 on March 2nd.
Anyway take care of yourself and have a happy new year.
Hugs, Tracy
Condolences to you and your family on the loss of your dogfriend.
I know first-hand how difficult it is to have to make these decisions for them .. our family dog was with us for 17 years. She developed Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) - her daily habits and behaviour changed and she just wasn't as healthy and as happy anymore. We knew it was time. She knew it was time. We hoped she would just go off to sleep one night and that would be that. But nothing's ever that simple.
Sounds like she was a very lucky dog to have had such a great life with her people. Can't get much better than that!
Take care,

I send my condolances on the loss of your pet. My beloved Cat Boo had to go over the rainbow bridge for pancreatic cancer. I have pushed my DH ever since telling him I needed a new "fur ball", I was wanting a dachshund but her finally went out Dec 30 and "adopted " "Big Mac" a very loving grey tabby cat who I know cannot take the place of Boo but has brought smiles and joy back into our lives.
Wow, you have had a lot on your plate. I hope all goes well. I had similar family crisis in October adn they have eased down since then
Take Care and Best of Luck