Good Morning WLS Grads:
We are certainly a quiet board! I just wanted to check in with everyone and say HOWDY!
I had my one year follow-up last week, and am pleased to say that I am officially down 107 lbs. and all my labs are GREAT. The doctors only complaint was that my iron was high, so I am cutting my iron supplementation to once a week. I was very pleased with the outcomes.
I'm a little nervous now that I only have to report in once a year now, but my doctor reminded me that I am always a patient of his and can call anytime for any reason. Phew!
What's going on with everyone? Good things I hope...and I trust this email finds everyone Healthy & Happy!
Take Care!
Maria W.

Hi there. This board sure has been quiet. I just started posting here from time to time. Congradulations on your loss and your great year. I am wondering -- my surgeon follows us closely for at least 5 years. It seems that there are two schools of thought out there and I worry . One school of thought seems to be for the WLS surgeons to continue to have an active role in long term follow up and the other seems to be to let their patients fly. Not making a judgement here. Just an obseration. My surgeon follows us closely for 5 years. I see him almost monthly. It has made all of the difference in the world.I just know how much I have struggled at the two year mark. I read a lot about significant weight gain etc at the 3-4-5 year marks. I found that this past year was perhaps the most challenging - old habits wanting to re-surface - fighting really hard to lose 30 lbs etc.
I don't know -- just thinking out loud. Just wanted to encourage you to find a support group in your area. Maybe you are already hooked-up --- great ----Be sure to stay connected with the WL community and the boards here.
Again congradulations on your year of SUCCESS. I hope year two goes just as well.