What will 2007 do for you?
Yes its getting to that time....we get to leave ole 2006 behind and start new with 2007. Some of us are on the journey for the beginning....some have been on this journey awhile. But we are all on a journey to health and well being. We need tools to get us to where we want to be.....exercise, diet, vitamins, journaling are just a few things that help us cope. Yes we have to learn to cope with our food addiction. I thought I had things under control for two years but I see that comfort allows the old habits to sneek back in to our lives then they become very hard to evict from our lives. But the power is always with us to turn things around and be positive and follow the right path.
2007 brings new changes for me. I will be back to school....YEAH. I will take better control reigns on my life. I will not let others control my destiny. My quest is to be thinner and healthier every year. I will keep the goal low....lets try for 5 lbs lighter in 2007! That does not seem like an unreasonable goal. I will lower my carb intake. Its way out of control these days. One chump on a chip tastes as good as fifteen right? LOL. I am also going to try 12 things I have never done.....I am hoping to do one a month......Thanks to Willow...What a great idea she had with this....
So what is 2007 going to do for you? Do you have a game plan? Lets all take the rest of 2006 and develop one.....make it one you can stick to......
Hugs and Fleece Blankets
My plan for 2007 is to train for a marathon. I want to say that I did at least one. I've done 1 half-marathon and I joined the Boise RunWalk club and starting 1/6 I'll be in training for the Robie Creek half marathon which is in April. That is 8 miles up the mountain and 5 miles down the other side. The summit is supposed to be really tough. They say that if you can do that one, you can do a marathon on flat land. Anyway, my goal is to be able to do a full marathon by the end of fall 2007.
I'm not fast but I am determined. I'm 50 and up until March of 2006, I've been sedentary practically my whole life. So this really means something to me.
I also plan to start cooking better, healthier meals and really try to learn how we really should be eating instead of just cooking something quick and easy that I don't have to think about.
Well, I would have had other thoughts a month ago but for now... I just want 2007 to be a year of improved health. I'm hoping to get the breast cancer beat and treated and then move on to my back and get that fully better.
After that's all done...we'll see what else I can do.
Not really interested in weight loss unless skin is being removed but would like to improve body fat percentage so changing up my workouts (when I'm allowed) should allow me to do that.
Hugs and Fleece Blankets back at ya,
2007......... hmmmmmmm. I have high hopes for this year. Not happy in my job, my relationship is sort of one sided...... not too thrilled at where I am living, but cant afford to move, and live from check to check, so can't leave the job that I dont like.... hahahahaha.
yes..... my problems are NOT life threatening, and I feel very 'guilty' even posting this when I look at what some of the other people around me and what they are going through, like my sweet friend Kathy from May 2005 board, and I have a best friend who has a dad that has months to live..... so why cant I just do something about my problems??????
not sure? but I do hope that in 2007 I will see some answers.
what I do know is that I do not like my job and I spend most of my waking hours there, and my relationship is not a happy one. The man that i have been with for most of my adult life..... well..... he doesnt seem to truly need/want me in his life any more. Its funny.... (not haha, but you know....@!?......) I thought once I got to goal that life would be so EASY. well..... maybe deep down I didnt , but I hoped it would..
But there is a LIGHT. I have a set appointment to start taking care of things, I have this website, I have loads of great friends on this website, and I have my health...(well, my physical health..... hahaha ...) yes.... and I have a SENSE OF HUMOR.....
. so..... check back in a month.
PEACE to all of you.

Here is a (((((HUG))))) for ya! I can totally relate to your situation. I have been there and done that....I think I have several of those t-shirts. I too thought getting the surgery and getting healthy again would take care of things. I think it just highlighted things more so....I was in the job that I hated for 15 mos. I was very forunate to get another one which has helped that situation some. You may not be able to say "Take this Job and Shove it" yet....but you can do some planning which would probably help you mentally with the old one. I know what I did was try and figure out where I wanted to be if I could leave that job....It took me a long time but I decided to get back into Aerospace industry. I figured you have to do what you know right. Its tough not liking a job, having family issues all the time. It makes life tough all around. I will be checking back with you next month to see how things are going for you....Having a plan so helps! Making the plan reality is much sweeter! May 2007 be all of that for you!
Hi Debbie!
I haven't really though about what I would like to accomplish in 2007.
I am very religious and I want to become even more committed to my Christian walk in '07. I want to read at least 6 religious books (I hate reading, so this is a lot for me).
As far as weight in concerned, I would will try my best to lose another 10 or so pounds to get under 150 - that doesn't sounds too unreasonable. I can't absolutely commit to losing it because my body is going to do what it wants to do regardless - especially with so much loose skin, but I can commit to try my best to get there and try not to get too upset if I don't. I want to be more committed to Weigh****chers than I am now. I don't track my food like I should and I want to get better about doing that. I want to beat the "night eating" demon once and for all. I also want to lower my carb and fat intake.
I want to continue exercising but I want to work out "smarter" (which doesn't mean "longer") by trying some new things. For example, get one of those exercise balls, maybe try yoga, try weight lifting with barbells or body bars or resistance tubes rather than just hand weights. Try some different types of cardio. I also commit to keeping an exercise journal to track exactly what I'm doing and when.
I will begin RESEARCHING plastic surgery and go in for at least one consultation in 2007. I cannot committ to actually getting anything done right now because of finances, but I can commit to learning as much as I can about it and going in for at least one free consult to get a better idea of what I really need to have done and how much it might cost me.
I want to make at least one or two new friends in my town. This means putting myself out there more and being more social, which frankly, scares the heck out of me. it's easy to be social on the internet, but face-to-face it's another story. In the real world, I am terribly shy and introverted, and when I do actually muster up enough nerve to open my mouth something really stupid flies out. It never fails.
I want to pay off my credit cards. I have been on a repayment plan for the last few years and I am scheduled to finish paying everything off in November 2007. Of course, I will still have student loans out the wazoo, but I'll be paying those off until I die.
I would LOVE to buy a house or at least be seriously house-hunting by the end of '07. I've been renting my place since 1988 - almost 20 years! At this rate, I'm doing nothing but making my landlord rich.
I want to complain less in '07. I complain... alot... about everything... about everyone... constantly.
I commit to finally getting around to updating my messageboard picture in '07 and putting up some "after" pics in my profile. I will also finish transferring all my old blog entries into my new profile.
I can't think of anything else right now. Hugs, Tracy
Great question!! In 2007 I hope continue to maintain my weight. Learn to takes life as it comes and not try to prepare for everything. I also want to do major work on my house - starting with painting the insides, new countertops and redo my deck. This are all trivial things when you see what Kathy and others like Kathy are going through - so in addition, I plan to remember that regardless how bad I think things are going for me, as long as I have my health, my family and friends - life is good!!!
Happy New Years!!