I'm alive and kicking...
Hey all, just checking in. I went to the Main Board and don't think I recognized more than 2 posters on a page, so I thought I'd slip over here. It's been a while since I've been on, with all the craziness in my life.
I'm about 2.5 weeks out from PS - BA and TT. The TT was a breeze compared to the BA - go figure. I'm still fighting a little bit of nerve pain on one breast, but other than that, I feel pretty terrific.
I've been cleaning and reorganizing my home like a fool. With Aaron gone and me off work, I can't resist the opportunity to reclaim my house and make it mine again. Of course, I'm taking it easy, lots of breaks and no heavy lifting, but it's SO nice to have the house totally to myself during the day and then just me and the kids at night.
Christmas was okay. No one really seemed to have much spirit this year. My dad was in the hospital the week before which precipitated a major change in how we celebrate, thus kind of bumming me out because it was the one thing I was counting on to be the same this year. But, it happens. The kids enjoyed themselves and pretty much got everything they wanted. Now, Holden's in Chicago with his dad and Liv has one more Christmas with Aaron's family and we're finally done and able to get back to some sort of routine...
My weight has been pretty stable although I've had a recent small drop again, just a couple pounds under goal, about 6 pounds under my steady weight. I'm not too worried about it but keeping an eye on it, as well.
For those of you who don't recognize me, sorry for the rambling. For those who know me, sorry for the rambling (
) and I miss you all!

Hey BeckySue
Glad to hear the TT went well!
My PS was such a breeze compared to my WLS.
Swelling can keep cropping up for months,
So don't get freaked by it.
I was at first till my doc said "Get over it."
My only Post-PS advice is-
"Frozen Blueberries make a soft Icepack!"
Nearly as good as the shaved ice from a Sonic Drive-in!
Good to see some familiar faces!!
Seems like just yesterday you were just headed in for WLS.
Wow time zips on by.....
Heal up Soon!
And keep up the Awesome Success!!!
Best Wishes-