short term disability -PS LBL
definately apply, I know where i work disability is not determined by if the surgery is medically necessary or elective, but what you need for the recovery. if you are able to work. period. if your dr says you are unable to work due to recovery from surgery, and if you were covered for say childbirth (which pregnancy is elective) you would be covered for plastics as well. My paper work said only a nonspecific reconstructive surgery. an d that I needed however many weeks for recovery and I was restricted by my MD from any work.
I am an HR/Benefits Administrator for a living. They will give you documentation to fill out. The doctor will fill out his portion and your employment will fill out theirs. If the doctor says you cannot work then you are eligible. It does not matter the medical condition. There is generally a 7 day elimination period where there is no pay. You will have to use vacation or personal time for that. They do it that way, so people with colds and minor illnesses do not abuse it. You have to be off more than 7 days for medical reasons for them to pay.
It will work out. Good luck!
When I was off for my panniculectomy, the company that pays our short term disability actually denied my claim! They stated they will NOT pay for any reconstructive surgery unless it was due to an accident! My health insurance deemed this surgery medically necessary and covered it, yet I could not get my short term disability
I was told they'd send information on appealing, but they never did. I was flabergasted, my employer didn't even know about their policy!! Thank God I didn't have to be off work too long, since I wasn't getting paid!! I had to use my vacation for the first 40 hours, my employer paid the next 40, hours at a reduced percent of my wages, and then I was without pay for 1 week
Be sure you find out for sure if you'll have coverage, I was very unpleasantly surprised!! DeeAnn R