Checking In
How is everyone doing?
First of all, Lady (dog) is doing well. She had a bad seizure (her first) Thursday night. It was hideous. $850 later... there was nothing that off in her blood work that we didn't know about and her chest and abdominal x-rays didn't reveal any masses. Short of a brain MRI or something which ain't gonna happen... she may or may not have another seizure. They only treat dogs (with phenobarbital) if they get 3 seizures in a months time. I hope this was an isolated one. I really do. I picked her up from the vet near here (ER one) and took her to her regular vet Saturday so all are in the know. She does have CDS (cognitive dysfunction syndrome). She circles for minutes before laying down. She walks into a corner or behind a door and seems confused as to how to remedy the situation. But, I mean, man she is almost 19 years old. Bound to get some neurological slow down, eh? There is a med but the vet said he has tried it on 3 patients including his own pet and saw no changes.
I'm doing okay. Tired. A bit stressed. Whatever. Had stomach issues this morning. Breakfast sat like lead. Had to sleep it off. Wonder if it is bowel issues. I suspect something isn't great there though the pain/issue is far from often. A bit unnerving especially with other things going on.
Went to my office party Saturday night. It was decent. They had a nice sitdown dinner that was excellent. The hotel responded quickly when I asked for fruit instead of the plated dessert (which looked fabo!). We didn't dance. Rich's knee is ca-ca. He needs an MRI to see what is going on but with all my issues, he isn't prioritizing it.
We are supposed to leave Friday for NY to go to my sister and BIL's house. We'll head back home Tuesday the day after Christmas because I have my surgery on Wednesday bright and early. The dog is going with us to NY and will be kenneled there. At least we'll be 2 miles away from her rather than 275.
I went to fetch my mammogram films on Friday from the MRI place. I had the breast MRI Thursday morning and they wanted the films for comparison. I need to get the films to the hospital by Wednesday. They need 'em a week before surgery.
When they returned the mammogram films to me they also gave me a copy of the official report and a disc containing the MRI itself. Not sure if it changes anything or not. The one stand out thing is that my left breast shows nothing and is completely normal. That's good news. The right one...well, there is 1-2 hematomas in there from the biopsying down a few weeks ago. And they said the clumped stuff runs from the hematoma 6.5 cm to the rear back of the breast. Geez, that's 2.5 inches. Now that is length not width so I'm not really sure how big a chunk we are removing. It we remove a good size chunk there won't be much left. I also have one mildly prominent lymph node on the right side. Wonder if that is due to the hematoma or just whatever. Trying not to worry or even think about that.
Here is the report info (for the medical techie geeks among us that like to learn):
Post biopsy hematoma is present within the right superior breast. Two areas of susceptibility are present, one in the superior aspect of the hematoma and the second in the anterior/inferior aspect of the hematoma. Clumped linear enhancement extend anterior and posterior to the biopsy site for a length of 6.5 cm.
The parenchyma is diffusely coarsened on the right compared with the left. Proteinaceous material is present in multiple subareolar ducts. The skin of the right breast is thickened, however, there is no suspicious enhancement within the skin.
The left breast is normal.
Mildly prominent lymph node in the right axilla measures up to 1.5 cm. The left axillary lymphadenopathy. There is no lymphadenopathy in the visualized internal mammory chain.
(FYI, lymphadenopathy is swollen lymph node. Axilla means armpit. The internal mammory chain are the lymph nodes that run along the clevage side of the breast by the sternum. Do not know if the thickened skin thing is due to the biopsy site or more than that.)
Hopefully will hear from the surgeon tomorrow about these results. Would like to know if it is still something that can be cut out without deforming my breast (which is already deformed mind you) or if it is so big that they should do something more radical.
Anyway, that's the latest greatest.... off to get SOMETHING done today. Laundry, wrapping, decorating (if I end up giving a crap), cooking for a work party tomorrow, and packing are all possible but might not get done due to lack of interest and procrastination.
Take care, Kathy
LOL....lack of interest and middle names!!
Wow, you have a lot on your plate, but then you always do...I'll hold you in my prayers for a nice uneventful surgery and a refreshing Christmas too.
Life is hectic here (so what's new, huh?) Seems someone forgot to tell our customers that December is suppose to be our SLOW month. I've been running ragged and then some and was looking forward to a bit of down time, but no rest for the wicked *evil grin*.
I'm working with a Personal Trainer and he is kicking my hiney!! I'm sore 4 out of 7 days per week somewhere on my body....I AM however seeing some pretty amazing results so....even though I tell Kyle how much I hate him...well, hate the exercising, I am loving the results. I need to get a new pic posted, but....I'm such a dunce...I'll make it a priority for this coming new year.
Many hugs,
Hi Kathy!!! Sorry to hear about Lady~that must have been scary!!! I hope that she will be ok!!!
I've been wondering how things were progressing with you. I haven't seen you around here too much lately. I'm sure you are stressed and worried, but many prayers are with you! I hope that all goes well and I'll be anxiously waiting to here some news from you!
Tracy B
I hope the surgeon has Great News for you!!
I know that all of the thoughts about Your sister's and such
and your puppy, and the holidays, and, and, .....etc.....
Has got to be a ton of angst pouring down on you!!
I'll keep you in my prayers and
When you can peek out from under the storm-
Smack Rich and tell him to get on that knee!!
Ya'll need to be Dancing in the New Year!!!!
Best Wishes-