Kidney Stones
Hi Y'all - I've been dealing with kidney stones. Was in hospital for a week following Thanksgiving. Still have not passed the stone. Some days I only hurt a bit; others are very painful. This is 3 weeks now - the stone is approx. 1 mm in size. Has anyone else had stones and have they dragged on this long? I know passing them must be excrutiating for men but can any of you ladies share your experience when they finally pass? Does the pain increase once the stone is in the urethra after leaving the bladder? All help appreciated.
Hi Shorty,
My DH is going through this right now! We have been in and out of the hospital/ Dr's office for pain meds for the last 3 and 1/2 weeks. He finally went in to see a urologist who told us if he does not pass it by tomorrow he will go in and remove it. Not to make lite of the situation, DH now has much more empathy for child birth than he did in the past
. His is 5mm in size and he has spent the last night throwing up
but I think this has more to do with the pills he is taking for the pain. The doc says to go to the emergency room if: 1- he is puky sick for more than ten hours. 2- If he has a fever. He also said that the waves of pain is due to the movement of the stone, so every time he gets the stronger pains the stone is moving closer to passing. Yes, the pain has increased as the stone moved from the bladder through the urethra. Hope this helps! Good luck!

Hi!! I am an expert @ Kidney Stones! I have had 5 operations, and I still have the rock of Gibraltar in my let kidney! Unfortunately I must tell you it is painful still after leaving the bladder, sorry. Hopefully it will pass o it's sure to drink water water water! Tis will help. I have had them shocked, zapped, sound waves and lasered. My last surgery was A NIGHTMARE...but it was a rare case. If you have any personal questions, feel free to e-mail me. Don't want to get to personal on the boards with questions.
Good Luck
[email protected]
Thanks girls for your help. I still have my stone. Guess I may as well give it a name, huh? lol........
Some days I barely hurt at all, others moderatly and yet still have those nearly unbearable times too.
Hopefully, I'll get thru Christmas with another hospital stay. Hmmmm, just thinking; since its Christmas time I think I'll name this thing Comet, rofl....... if only it would move at comet speed!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah to all!