Holding Myself Accountable (Day 4)
Well today is Day 4 and so far so good. Here is what I ended up eating yesterday:
Breafast - Protein shake, 1 small fudge brownie!
Lunch - 2 hard boiled eggs, 1c Jello
Snack - Stick of cheese, Protein shake
Dinner - 1/2 can Tomatoe Soup with 4 saltines, Protein Shake
Total: 801 calories, 92g+ protein
Yesterday wasnt that bad - I had planned on going grocery shopping and picking up some chicken breast and more eggs but was exhausted and decided to go straight home... I didnt have much high protein foods there or much food at all so I decided to have Tomatoe soup instead of my usual 1 egg and jello.
Today will most likely be the same... I gotta eat the leftover can of soup and will probably add chicken tomorrow for lunch or dinner.
So I'm not corked anymore! I have also been taking some colon cleansing pills along with my vitamins/supplements and it has helped.
Monday Weight: 194.5lbs
Tuesday Weight: 191.5lbs
Wednesday Weight: 190.0
Today's Weight: 187.5
That is a 7lb loss so far this week!!! I hope that is the last time I am ever in the 190s.
We will see what tomorrow brings!
Yea I expected not to lose as much yesterday thinking it will taper off within a couple days but nope! I asked my boss who always did an Atkins diet how quickly he loss weight when he was doing only protein and he said he dropped just as quickly and lost 15lbs in 1 week - so now I dont feel so worried about it.
But yea - I am happy with the weight loss... just gotta keep up with it so that is keeps on dropping and I dont see the 190s ever again.
Actually.... LOL... today at lunch was the first time that I got sick of eating eggs. I was eating the second one and just got completly disgusted and had to put it down half way... then I started on my jello, then went back to it. Tonight I am going shopping for some chicken breasts that I will start replacing some of the eggs with. And last night instead of an egg, I had tomatoe soupe.
So yea, I am getting sick of them, so it is time to switch it up a bit with other protein sources.
I cant believe the weight loss either! Maybe the last 6 months of being on a plateau just caught up to me and now my body is ready to give the rest up. Who knows...
Not real sure!
I had planned on just two days, but I think I may go a lot longer on it - especially with the results I am seeing. Honestly, I never took carbs out of my diet. I figured that I am only 24 yrs old and I have the rest of my life left - I dont wanna live 50 more years carb free!!! I would die! So I always "watched" the carbs but never cut them out.
I really would like to lost at LEAST 20 lbs before my plastics in March. My boobs are already gone so I dont think weight loss will affect that area anymore - I carry most of my weight in my legs now. But I would still like to make that my goal of losing 20 before March.
We will just see how it goes.
I was always told to do protein to lose the weight and add in carbs to maintain. So maybe I will stay on this whole high protein low carb thingy until I am at goal.