Why I exercise
Hi all,
Thanks for all of the replies and emails I received from my last post. One person asked about food tips and another about exercise.
For the food: I make better choices these days and feel better for it. Nothing can wear on your self-esteem like lack of control over things in your life including food. I always feel like **** when I can't seem to get a handle on it. The more I do it and the longer I stick with it, the easier it gets because I feel more in control. It takes time to get into those new habits. The first week is like a bad dream. It is kind of like quitting smoking(which I also did 6 years ago). You see, I know I can change anything I want in my life because I have done so much of that kind of thing. About 10 years ago I was on a downward spiral and in the beginning grips of a Cocaine addiction. I overcame that as well. I then went on to get a Bachelor degree and graduate with a 3.8 GPA. I have worked my way up from a gas station attendant to a professional in Graduate School. The power of the mind is an amazing thing. People would be amazed what they can accomplish if they become determined to not let anything get in their way. You have to want it bad enough. There is nothing outside of yourself that can make you do anything or give you strength that you do not already have. As a Non-Theist person, I rely soley on myself for strength because that is all I have. The bottom line is that you just have to do it and know that the end result is self-esteem and control.
Why do I exercise and how do I stay motivated? Well, you do not need energy to work out. You GET energy from working out. It keeps me going in my busy life. I someone paid you $50.00 for every time you worked out, you would make the time wouldn't you? My problem is that I ma High strung and a little psychotic. Hard cardio keeps my mind in check. I substitute one addiction for another really. Once you get your body fit enought to pu**** the rush and feeling you get is almost like a high. I do it for many reasons and I LOVE it. It is challenging and I love challenges. I like to see how far I can push myself. I guess I am just a junkie at heart.
Do it for you. Do it for you. An then do it for you again. Trust me folks. I am an addict to the core. If i can stay healthy, not smoke, and stay focused ANYBODY can. That is no joke really.
Happy Holidays and I do plan on making cookies and even eating a couple. It will be ok, because I will punish myself on the treadmill.
(( The power of the mind is an amazing thing. People would be amazed what they can accomplish if they become determined to not let anything get in their way... I rely soley on myself for strength because that is all I have... You GET energy from working out... I substitute one addiction for another really... It will be ok, because I will punish myself on the treadmill. ))
These snippets stand out the most for ME from your entire message ...
And as for everything else you've said in your message -- WELL SAID!! -- I couldn't have said it any better myself. I totally agree and it's nice to know there's another of 'me' out there in the world, too.

Thanks, Terri, for the wonderful insight. I agree, when I feel like my eating is out of control, I feel terrible self-loathing. For me, it goes back to the old feelings I experienced when MO.
When I pull myself out of the quicksand and take control back, I feel great. Thanks for the reminder that it can be done!!
I have also traded addictions; I exercise several times a day on most days - 7 days a week. It helps me release stress, curbs my appetite, build lean muscle mass, and the endorphin rush is like no other. I do both hardcore cardio and weightlifting, which has enabled me to not only loose the weight (-260 lbs)..I am also able to maintain the weight loss (in addition to the fact that I stay on my food plan 5 days a week...weekends I allow myself not to be so stringent).
Mary M.