Severe Anemia
At a year out my labs came back with borderline anemia, so I started taking Batric Advantage Iron. Now my labs say I have severe anemia. Has any one dealt with this? I'm good on my vitamins and supplements (2 Centrum Chewable, 2 BA Iron, Calcium Citrate, Liquid B-12). All suggestions are welcome. I'm trying to get ready for PS, but with severe anemia, I know I won't be allowed to have surgery. Pluse I'm tired of feeling tired.
Thanks, Torrey (281/177/160)
Torrey, do you know what your iron levels are: TIBC, Ferritin, etc. If your levels are too low, taking iron by mouth may not get your levels up quick enough and iron infusions might be the next step in getting your levels up.
I take Tender Iron from vitalady which seems to be keeping my levels at a normal range (I am having labs drawn again in January *crossing fingers*).
Hope you feel better soon.
Yup, have dealt with this. My iron levels were extremely low at the three month mark so my doctor has me on high prescription iron. (Niferex)
I would consider iron injections if it ever got to that point, too.
Might be something to look into and need to get going if your levels are very low and over-the-counter stuff isn't doing the trick?
Good luck,

Torrey, I have had blood problems since birth and am under care of oncologist/hematologist. I do not have cancer I just have always had anemia and problems storing iron, it just disappears in my body and I am not bleeding internally. I have always taken mega does vits and supplements before and after gastric bypass. You need to ask if its your iron saturation, ferritin or hemoglubin. If its hemoglubin I have to ask why you are not taking B12 injections at least once a month, you didn't mention it in your post. It is my understanding all patients need it after RNY...I do mine once a week. Second, your ferritin, if it is below 6-8 you may need iron IV infusions. Those I get about 4 times a year.
I have had problems all my life but my ferritin got worse since surgery. It was not was "0" 3 weeks before plastics and only way I could have it done was if ferritin was up so my blood dr gave me a series of 8 treatments of Infed IV treatments and it was up just in time. That has been 3 months ago. I was tested several times since and I was holding my own. I go tomorrow to get my blood drawn again, he does it every 3 weeks, if it is down I will need Infed IV infusion again. Its no big deal unless you are allergic to the iron which was my problem with the previous iron he used. We switched to Infed in Aug and no problems. If you go to a oncologist/hematologist they watch it very closely while it is dripping since they do it in office otherwise you need to have it done in hospital.
I would get a referral to see a specialist and have them run the tests again so he can pinpoint where the problem is, they may refer you to gastroentinologist for EGD/Colonoscopy to make sure you are not bleeding internally if its hemoglubin.
If you have any other questions email me or post here and please keep us posted.
Thanks for all your replies. I saw the doctor and do indeed have internal bleeding. Or blood in my stool. Dr. tooks lots more blood to do iron tests, but is pretty sure I've sprung a leak some where internal. Sadly, I can't get a colonoscopy until after the 1st of the year. It would have been cool to a camera up my rear for Christmas.
Mine came back extremely low at the end of October - I'm four years out and had not done my blood work in three years. I did it to myself. For me, knowing my problem made it a quick (6 week) turnaround. I am now at the higher end of the scale. I had started drinking iced tea and/or coffee with almost everything - and all day long. Tannin in tea, coffee, red wine was preventing absorbtion of anything I was ingesting at the same time. I went back on my B12 shot (1 mL weekly), and began taking a daily 1/5 tsp iron sulfate elixer (OTC ordered for me by my pharmacist) with Crystal Lite sunrise (Vit C assists in iron absorbtion). No more tea or coffee with meals *** yes, back to basics of virtually no drinking with meals, just a sip of water as needed), just in between and I've doing great for iron now! I'm down to just 2-3 days a week on the iron supplement. B12 still needs boosting, but I'm working on it. Oh not take calcium and iron together definately should't take MY word for it, but check with your doctor and see what else you can do to make the difference (My insurance would not cover the IM injections, and I refused to go in for the transfusion until I attempted this route.)
How often are you needing to be infused? My Iron level is next to nothing and my reserves are plumitting very quickly! I go back on friday to see what the doc wants to do. If need be my husband has volunteered to be my blood cow. lol! Once you recieve transfusions and your levels reach .a normal status do they just monitor or do they continue to infuse since they already know you will lose it? I just don't know where to go at this point and though I might ask all of you. HELP... PLEASE!