Hi all, home from PS!
Morning all... Long time no type.... Just thought I'd let you know I'm home from PS. It was yesterday morning, at 7:30, took 3 1/2 hours and I was home by 3pm or so.... Feeling okay - pretty freaking sore... Been taking pain killers as needed but trying to wean myself a little. They gave me Lortab, which works great but knocks me out, and valium, to keep the muscle contractions to a minimum... Right now, it's a toss up about which hurts worse - the abdomonplasty or the BA. The BA didn't really hurt yesterday but it's definatly making it's presence known, today....
Other than being pretty sore, I'm doing pretty well... No nauseua, no dizziness, nothing like that. I can move around some, at least to the kitchen and bathroom, and they want me up and moving as I can. Other than that, I'm stiing in a recliner or at the computer (2 feet from the recliner) and just chilling... I can already tell I'm going to go out of my mind, though... lol
Anyway, I'll be in and out all day, so stop in, say hi, and help me keep entertained, will ya?
Hi Becky, gosh I haven't seen you on line in a while. I've been busy myself and have had to limit my OH time *sigh*.
Congrats on the PS, take it easy the next few days. Hope your recovery goes well, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results soon.
BTW, did you get your insurance to approve any of your plastics, or where you cash pay? Would you PM me with some cost estimates if you self-paid. I really need to get the ball rolling soon.
(deactivated member)
on 12/12/06 11:33 pm
on 12/12/06 11:33 pm
Hey there ,
Welcome back.... you sound so much better than I did when I got home. I guess I have a low pain tolerance. How are your arms feelin? Just asking cuz my arms hurt worse than the tummy and they still are not 100%. I had my PS done when it was 100+ out here in Chicago so I couldn't move around much, too hot.
Took lots and LOTS of Vicadin too.... and got so sick of trash TV. I did get a bunch of magazines from my neighbor who thought I had some sort of serious accident... hee,hee that was too funny.
Well take care and here is wishing you a speedy recovery.... I am getting my legs and sides done in March I think, and no insurance did not pay .. so sad...
Hi there! I do feel pretty good - I think my pain tolerance is pretty high, but it's starting to kick my butt, now. I'm thinking I'm going to have to hit the lortab up pretty soon.... The valium helps but is wearing off and not due until 1pm.... I have someone coming to check on me in a 1/2 hour or else I think I'd already have taken them and been in la-la land...lol
I didn't have my arms done, just TT and implants - my arms hurt a little as a result of the implants but it's mostly in my upper chest and lower stomach... The implants are kind of like when your milk comes in after giving birth, if you're familiar with that. Painful but not excruicating...Right now, they're worse than my stomach but I think that's because I'm still trying to get used to an acceptable range of motion. I tried to anticipate everything I would need to ensure it was in reach, but now that I"m on my own, there's some things i needed to get to that strained a little to reach...
Insurance didn't pay for mine, either, which stinks, but I'm done. This was the only thing I was getting - primarily the TT out of necessity, and the breasts as a gift to myself...

hey becky! glad to see you are taking things in stride! i hope you recovery quickly and don't go out of your mind! i know how you feel though. i've never been able to just sit and recover like i'm supposed to. you'll be back to normal in no time. try to take this time to relax and take care of you!!
Hey, Roomie!! Long time no see!! I've had you on my mind. So glad to hear you are doing so well. Don't get crazy and over do it though!! Sarah Margaret is recuperating from her surgery as well, and I just saw Amy post yesterday that she got her date--Jan 4!! All you girls and your flat tummies; I am soooo jealous!! Really--take it easy. I look forward to seeing how well you do! Hugs, Vicki