Lost 14 pounds!!!!!
Hi everyone,
I do not get much time these days to post with work and Grad School taking up so much time.
My hard work is paying off. I have lost 14 ounds in about 5 weeks I think it has been. I eat very sensibly these days and do allow myself an occassional small treat. I am exercising harder than ever and it is showing.
I have made changes like eating egg beaters with veggies instead of real eggs with cheese. I will order a nice cut of steak, but get extra veggie rather than potato. No more white bread or pasta for this girl. It is whole grain, occassional whole wheat pasta, brown rice and lots of fruits and veggies. Today for lunch it is orange roughy, carrots and 2 pieces of sushi with wasabi mustard. For a snack later before my exercise class, I will have a packet of low sugar oatmeal.
I feel great and am proud of my self control. I no longer even want the crappy, yucky food. Tust me you guys, I f I can lose weight at over three years post op, anyone can.
Terri - I would love to hear some more of the "changes" you've made in your eating. I tend to get in a rut and do what I've always done. I love getting new suggestions and incorporating them into my eating plan. And it might help me get back on track - although I'm finding that quite difficult, especially during the holidays.
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi Terri,
Thanks for posting about your 14 lb weight loss at 3 yrs post op! I am a little over 18 months out and want to lose about 10 more lbs but have stalled out between 135-142 lbs. Your post opened my eyes to some of the crap that I have been consuming lately....keep forgeting that potatoes (even baked) can empede weight loss!
Thanks again for posting....and for the encouragement! It is great to see that someone who is 3 yrs post op still can lose if they just change their diet slightly!
You are very encouraging. I am also going back to monitoring more closely. As time goes on and I am 1 year 4 months out, I can eat anything and we tend to revert back to old habits. I had been eating a small piece of pie here, a piece of bread there. BUT NO MORE. I also want to come down about 20 lbs. THANKS.
I'm make some eggs tonight with veg. and just have it ready in the ref. for when I get the munchies. It does help to have food ready.
HI Terri!
It's great to hear that you are doing so well. I'm 5 years post op and haven't posted here for a long while because I'm also working full time and in Grad School.
The weight re-gain monster dropped a couple of pounds on me over the past year or so... I would love to get back to 150-152 which was my lowest, but I seem to hover between 160-165.
Anyway I was wondering about your secret for getting in exercise with your busy schedule of work and school. I find that when I get home from work I'm so tired that I can't even crack the books open let alone take a walk or get in some kind of exercise. Do you notice a difference in your engery and focus now that you are in an exercise routine? Maybe I just need to hear that the pay off will be worth the effort of getting my butt in gear and exercising.
Tracy A.