4 yrs or more heartburn/reflux
I am 4 1/2 yrs post op and in the last2 yrs i had one really bad reflux that first yr...thought i was having a heart attack..never had that feeling before. but after a yr, this past yr. im having more and more reflux/heartburn. I am sheduled to go see a local gastro. dr to schedule a scope to send to my main dr. ...but i was wondering if any of the longterm post ops have had the same thing and what has been your responce from your dr. and does it always result in a revision. Is a revision like doing the by-pass all over again? Whats going on with the stomach? And how ar youu guys doing that are longer out with your health.....seems like we're taking more pills after the surgery that before....hahaha
Phyllis in Harriman Tenn.
Hi Phyllis, I have had some of the same problems and they put me on Nexium ---you know the little purple pill !!!!! I know what you mean about taking more pills now then before --- I have the same problem. Also had major problems because of kidneys stones --- think I have had about 10 operations now and two shock treatments to try and break them up --- no fun that is for sure. Hope all turns out ok . Hang in there and I will keep you in my thoughts.
Linda from Ohio but in Florida for the winter!!!!!