Biopsy results are somewhat in...
and it was positive. I have breast cancer of sorts. (Deep breath here.)
As of right now, I have the better of the forms of breast cancer which is Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. Basically, it is abnormal breast ducts cells. Almost more precancerous than cancerous.
The reason I say "as of right now" is that there is another area that they didn't biopsy Friday and want to upon further review of my films. That biopsy is now scheduled for tomorrow morning at 8:30. Will probably know the results of that on Wednesday or so.
Not sure of the surgery options available to me and such until this next biopsy is done and until an MRI of both breasts is done looking for anything else lurking around. I'm supposed to see the breast surgeon on Thursday morning.
My sister had ILC (invasive lobular carcinoma) which is different.
Anyway, I'm doing well as can be expected. I'll keep ya posted.
Be good,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and of course ((((((HUGS))))))
Just remember the fact you are smaller and healthier will help enormously with any health challenge.
I will keep my fingers crossed that it is nothing too serious, and that is remains in the precancerous zone.
I know I myself have learned a lot about cancer (ovarian), treatment, side effects, etc. this past year. These kind of challenges make us stronger.
Just e-mail me if you need to talk at any time. Mine was diagnosed between Christmas and New Years of last year, so I know how the holiday crush adds to it all
Just remember, you have all of us in your corner whenever you need us!

Kathy, I'm thinking and praying for you. It is almost to much to comprehend. Just know that you have an beauty and strength that live within you and that I believe in you and in Gods ability to heal! I know without a doubt you will become very informed about your diagnosis and will work with the doctors to treat this ugle disease. If ever you need an ear i'm only a few keys away.
Peace, Melinda