Tell me all of your secrets!!!
Ok, folks maybe not all your secrets. Just what you eat on an average day. I am back on track with the rules. I am eating right at 1000 cals per day and that includs 2 protein shakes. Andddddd .wait. for. it!!! I have not lost a pound!! What the ????
I am making good choices, eating almost all protein and am not budging. I am 3.5 yrs out RNY with a regain of 20# because I stopped following the rules.
So, wise world of the WLS internet. What are you doing? How much do you eat? And yes, I am walking everyday.
Thanks and Happy Monday to all
I am with you there. I have gained not 20 but 50 pounds - but mostly because I had an ulcer and extreme fatigue, and it just felt like hunger, so I ate lots trying to get some energy, and could not exercise due to the fatigue. Anyway - here I am 50 pounds heavier, BUT with lots of energy now, good blood counts - I am following the rules (just recently) and exercising. I initially lost about 5-6 pounds, but have gained back 2, and seem to be STUCK - I have lost some inches, but otherwise seem to be staying the same.
I do still have faith that if we stick with it, the weight will start coming off again. It is just harder the farther out we are (I'm 3.5 years also). I am going to be stepping it up this week, going to the gym for cardio on Mon, Wed, And Friday, and adding a little weight training on Tue, Thur and Saturday with a little more cardio over the weekend. I also take karate class Mon and Thur night with my kid - I had cut out sugar the first few weeks of this, but let it creep back in more than I should, this week will be concentrating on cutting that out again........SO, not a lot of help, just venting, and letting you know you are not alone, but I STRONGLY believe we can overcome this with determination and a little time.
Happy Monday to you too.
I don't have any secrets to share Cheri, but the one thing I can say for myself is that 1000cal is too low for me. At 1000cal my body stops losing, but if I up them to about 1500cal I begin to lose again. I work out 5x's per week so I guess my body needs more to work on. Not sure if this is the case for you, but it works for me every time. Sounds like you're following all of the rules and making good food choices so that's fantastic!!!!!! You'll get to your goals!!!!!!!! Good Luck!
Tracy B
My secret is calories. I discovered that at anything below 2000, I don't lose. I maintain at 2800 to 3500 depending if I work out that day. (Yea..hate me ;) )
Right now, I am spending two weeks trying to drop a few lbs in order to pre-compensate for the upcomming holidays
I eat every two hours..
Today's Menu (I worked out today)
1. 2 servings Protein shake w/ 2 cups cooked oatmeal w 1/2 a serving dried blueberries (620 calories)
2. 3 hard boiled eggs and 3 prunes (292 calories)
3. Quinoa, corn, blackbeans, tomato and shrimp dish (328 calories)
4. Tuna salad and crackers (275 calories)
5. 3.5oz chicken breast (166 calories)
6. Whatever my wife made for dinner
7. 1 cup of FF cottage cheese (160 calories)
8. 1 cup of FF yogurt w/ fiber one (170 calories)
Total: 2011 + whatever my wife makes = ~2500 calories. Calorie deficit, 600 calories
As you can see, I try and taper my calories towards the end of the day when I need them less. (Biggest calorie hit is my first meal) I am also -never- hungry
I work out two days on and one day off, which means 5 days a week. 5 x 600 = 3000, plus 200 calorie deficit each on my two off days. So I should lose 1lb every 7 days. That's about 3lbs by Christmas

Thanks so much for your very indepth reply. It is awesome!! You are doing fabulous and very inspiring!! I cant imagine eating any where close to that much food / cals but each of us is different and have had different amounts of intestine bypassed. Congrats on your success and thanks again for sharing with me.
I started one month after you!!
I've been within Normal Range BMI, still a few pounds below goal for over a 2 years.
"My Secret?"
Is my adherence to Vitamins & Exercise. (I think)
(It could be "In Spite Of" but, so far it seems to be workin)
My Vitamin intake is Inextricably Bound
To my Complete- Food/Vitamin/Exercise Routine.
A great deal of my Vitamins
Come from food choices as well as supplements.
Obviously every day is different,
But when figuring in My food intake,
My supplements and
My exercise,
Here's "my typical routine."
It has become habit now and I hardly
Ever give it any thought.
Hope it helps.
I start every morning by eating something,
Even if I'm not at all hungry. -(around 7:00 to 7:30)
Usually -
A Carb Control Yogurt, with about 1/4th of a cup of
Total Protein Cereal or Post CarbWell.
Usually I also add a spoon full of Flaxseed meal.
(gotta keep 'regular' & and Great source for the Omegas)
Some days I'll stir in ¼ to ½ of a scoop
Of Unjury or Gen-Soy Protein powder.
If I've got the Time, a few scrambled eggs,
And have a little bit of fruit.
Strawberries or Blueberries most often.
Usually before breakfast I have a mug or 2 of
Sumatran De-Caf with my Iron supplement
(Prescription Iron Capsule -'Poly-Iron 150' ) opened into it.
Some days I'll add a big splash of Low-Carb Slimfast
Chocolate Royale or Vanilla Cream in my coffee as well.
(High Vitamin/Protein Content, Low Cal/Carb.)
I 'did' take 2 chewable Vitamins before or after breakfast.
I 'did' use "Zippy Zoo Complete" Vitamins.
These have the same ingredient list as Centrum Completes.
Now I take a higher potency "Fortify" tablet.
It's not intended as a 'chewable' and
They aren't the best tasting things ever,
But that's really beside the point. I chew 'em!
I also, in this morning slot, take a Folic Acid Supplement - 400mcg.
Between Breakfast and my mid-morning snack,
I get in approx. 20 to 30 fl.oz of water.
Sometimes this is Propel or Crystal-Lite,
And about 3 or 4 times a week (usually on my "exercise days")
I'll add a little Isopure Clear (Melon) to my Crystal-Lite.
Just another way to "sneak in" more protein.
Around 10:00 (give or take 30 minutes)
I have a mid-morning snack.
It can be as big as a chicken breast,
Or as small as a handful of nuts.
****ep some raw almonds in my desk drawer)
I also typically eat a couple of Brazil nuts every few days
For Selenium and Zinc.
If I got extra Protein in my breakfast,
I'll sometimes just have an apple for this snack.
Same Liquid intake as after Breakfast
At 1:00 (give or take 30 minutes)
I have lunch-
Usually I try to get in protein in this meal.
Sashimi maybe 2 days a week, because I have a little
Sushi Bar in the University's Food court,
About 20 yards from my office.
If I get a chance to run home for lunch-
About ¾ a cup of whatever leftovers are there from last night,
Typically, meat, some veggies, rarely if ever starch of any kind.
A lot of fish and chicken and Turkey.
Then, Same Liquid intake as after Breakfast
Around 4:00 (give or take 30 minutes)
I have an Afternoon snack.
If I've had mostly meat up to this point in the day,
I'll have veggies or beans or some such
That has more Fiber.
If I've been low on meat intake at this point,
I'll have fish, chicken, or shrimp.
Often Cheese or Cottage Cheese- (Calcium)
Still NO Starch! (notice a pattern?)
Same Liquid intake as after Breakfast
It's in this "time slot,"
That I fit in a Calcium Citrate supplement-400mg
As well as my exercise.
Usually around 5:00- "Quitin' Time."
Usually Mon, Wed, Fri., I'll go for a Fast -3 mile walk.
No dawdling! Just get my 3 miles ASAP,
And get my butt on home.
I have a park that has measured paths so I can tell
Exactly how far I've gone.
If I haven't gotten my heart rate up a touch
Or started to perspire a little,
I'll go an extra mile.
I eventually added running to this activity just to get it done quicker.
Because I teach at a University
My Life runs on a MWF or Tue- Thurs Schedule.
My T-Th mornings are free, so on these days
I exercise with small dumbbells right after breakfast.
Then hit the shower afterwards.
Diner is normally 8:00 (once again, give or take 30 minutes)
While getting ready for diner, (which I usually cook with Mrs. Dx)
I often take another Calcium Citrate supplement-400mg with a Vitamin D,
And always a B-1 - 100mg.
Diner is normally lean meat and 2 veggies in a
Combination dish with a Dairy (calcium component) or separates.
My Veggie list is-
Carrots, Beans of any kind, Tomatoes, All kinds of Squash,
A lot of Onions, Cabbage (gas alert but love it), Mushrooms,
Cucumbers, More Tomatoes, Green Peas, Red/Green/Yellow Peppers.
(a lot of peppers)
I'll have a touch of lettuce but I rarely eat the really "green stuff" like
Broccoli or Spinach. Not because I won't like to,
It just that I'm on Coumadin and it screws up my Pro-time/INR numbers.
Can't let my blood get thick on Vitamin K,
Or my Heart Valve will start sticking!
Sometimes at this meal I'll have a bite or two of a starch like-
Corn or some cornmeal tortilla, or cornbread.
Love the Corn! And some times Butternut Squash
Or even an occasional bite of Sweet Potato. (My version of Sweets)
That's as close as I come to a full-blown starch.
I do eat a Lot of Salsa!
On eggs, meat, beans, Cottage Cheese, anything! (Texas Boy)
I also don't shy away from Frying foods.
Sauté really, but I only use Olive Oil or Canola.
I don't count Calories and haven't from day one.
I used to count Carbs religiously, but now
I can pretty much "eyeball it" because I don't choose
High Carb foods.
I will occasionally have "Sweets" but only fake Splenda stuff.
NO Sugar. I dump from a bite of Ketchup or Bar-B-Que Sauce
Unless it's the Carb-Control Type.
From Diner till I hit the bed,
I'll drink water or Crystal-lite.
If I look back over my day and think I've
Been a little slack with my protein intake,
I'll have some Isopure in my Crystal-lite Peach Tea. (wonderful stuff)
Or a mug or 2 of De-Caf
With some Low-Carb Slim-Fast added to it.
Or often Cottage cheese with something in it like fruit or pickles. (I know, odd pregnancy craving)
If my fiber was low for the day,
I'll have and apple.
The specific Items that I eat are varied from day to day,
Week to week.
I take a self injected B-12 Shot once a month (the 19th)
I also have some Diet V-8 Splash usually every other day or so-
Very high in Vitamins A,E, & C.
And so far My Lab-work-ups and weight-loss has all been Great!
I think I became SO compliant
And "good" about my food choices
Because early on, this "WLS- Easy Way Out,"
Nearly Killed my Butt!
My first 6 months were all about getting my health back
To at least what it was prior to surgery.
After that, Old Habits Die Hard.
It took a lot to get me to the Healthy Guy I am today,
And I'm not about to let go of that for a bag of chips.
Or by not getting my Vitamins.
It's really not as if I "think about"
What I'm eating or doing anymore,
I just follow my routine.
I don't know if this helps at all,
But this is my "Eat / Vitamin / Exercise Regimen."
I'm curious to know other's typical
Diet/Exercise/Vitamin info.
Particularly the other folks
Who are holding at Goal.
Sorry this was such a ramble,
My foods and Vitamins are less about Brand, and remembering to take them,
And more about how they "fit into"
The overall routine and nutrition intake.
Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Lifestyle....
Best Wishes-
Just tried to send you a much longer email reply and it came back undeliverable. So, anyway...thank you so much for your thorough reply. It really helps me see new options in food and vit/supplements. It is so easy to get into a rut and eat the same few foods all the time. Also, read your entire "story" and wow!!! You are amazing and so inspiring! Thanks
Have a great day