BOWEL Obstruction?
I just recently posted about this problem under "help - important" but did not get much of a response, so I decided to ask the question in a different way.
am wondering if anyone has suffered an episode like I described in that post that was considered a "bowel obstruction" or kink in the intestine who could give me some insight. One person posted a response which is making me wonder if I might have a bowel obstruction. I am scheduling an appt w/ the doc, but I wondered if anyone else had a similar problem that might help me in the meantime. Thank you for your response. Missy
I had a bowel obstruction that ended up being an emergency operation to fix it. This is what happened to me. I went home around 2pm from work. I just felt a little pain in my abdomen that wasn't my normal pain after eating. Went to sleep, but 2 hours later I woke up in the worst pain. I went to the ER, and to make a long story short, they sent me home without testing, and said I had gas. I went to see my regular doctor the next morning. He schedules a CAT scan that afternoon. I did not eat for 2 days, and the pain was unbearable! I had nothing going in, or out. It was hard to lay straight while they did the test. I was shaking I was in such bad pain. The next morning he said I had an bowel obstruction, and it was kinked in three places. I was sent to St. Louis(3 hours away) so my GB surgeon could operate. He said I would of been dead in a couple more days, and that was if it did not rupture. Not trying to scare you, but that was my story. I would not wish that pain on anyone!
Butterfly Reborn just had surgery for a kinked bowl a couple of weeks ago, 2 days later back into emergency surgery for a bowl obstruction.
Hopefully she'll see your post and chime in, if not try PMing her or look at her profile, I do believe she updated with what she felt and the experiences she had. My understanding that if it's a bowl obstruction, the pain is severe and an emergency, you might not want to wait to an appt with your doc, head to the ER if needed.
Best wishes,
Thank you so much for your replies. I see that this does not appear to be a "norm" for us 3+ post-ops, so I will check this out ASAP. I thought this was part of a dumping type thing, since I have had it for about a year, but initially very infrequent, once every 3-4 months, now very often. Thank you so much, what a wonderful place for information here. Love, Missy!
You're welcome to track some of postings on this board, the complications board, and the TX message board. You may be able to get a feel of what happened to me.
In June, I had an internal hernia repaired and adhesions removed. I had been in pain for 7+ months and we found no evidence of any problems on any tests -- I had them all -- some of them two or three times - including but not limited to: X-Ray, CT Scan w/ and w/o contrast, MRI, Blood work, etc.. The internal hernia and adhesions were found through exploratory surgery.
In August I was hurting again but in a bit of denial. I finally admitted a problem in September which landed me in the ER but all testing was normal aside from an "inconclusive" CT scan. However, since I had no full blockage, the surgeon there didn't really want to touch me and asked me to go back to my WL surgeon. I quickly went downhill from there. I fell apart between September and November when I finally flew to New Orleans to see my surgeon again. Upon examination, he determined that I had a partial bowel obstruction. The obstruction was caused by adhesions (scar tissue) growing around the bowel and causing restriction. My doctor removed the adhesions which corrected the partial obstruction. I had surgery on Friday afternoon and went to my parent's home Friday night. Sunday morning at around 2AM, I woke up in horrible pain. I am going to spare you and all readers the complete picture because it is not pretty. Suffice to say that I was in the shower screaming, crying, and leaking from every part of my body. I was gagging and vomitting with nothing coming out and anything else fluid that could find a way out was finding it. My mother drove me to the hospital (not sure how I made that car ride), and I was admitted. I had a CT Scan -- I could hardly drink the contrast. I had 1.5 sips and refused it. I drank JUST enough to show the full obstruction from the bowel kinking. OK -- here is my experience -- I have delivered three 9 pound babies -- one at the age of 35 without epidural. That was EASY compared to this. My mother tells me that prior to my emergency surgery she thought that I was sleeping in the hospital. don't sleep through something like this. You pass out -- either from the body responding to the pain or all of the pain medication they have given you trying to give you pain relief or both. As soon as I'd "wake up," I'd start screaming. The nurse was walking around with vials of morphine and delaudid in her pocket and running for me. That's not usual and customary. Obviously, I had an emergency surgery to restore the bowel to its "normal" state, I had another endoscope (they had done one Friday too) and some of my intestines and my old stomach had to be drained of the back up. I stayed in the hospital for three more days not just because of the surgeries but because my blood level had dropped to a critical level and I had to have two transfusions to save my life. It was 8 more days before they'd let me travel home because my blood levels had to be climbing enough to satisfy them and the abdomen had to be able to accept the change of gas in the body from the change of pressure. I had to fly because there is no way that I could have been in the car for 6 or more hours.
Today was three weeks from the emergency surgery. I'm still in bed. I've been moving around more and more but this has been some ordeal!! I'm now under the care of my PCP here in TX and my numbers are continuing to climb.
Perhaps I gave you more information than you needed but I think it's important that people are aware of these things.
That said, a bowel kink that can cause a full blockage is a risk of any abdominal surgery and I do not necessarily connect the adhesions, partial, and/or full blockage directly to my WLS.
Feel free to contact me any time!
I hope you feel better and find peace in your spirit, mind, body, and soul.
Vanessa, thank you for your response. I have been giving this a lot of thought today since it never even occurred to me that this could be what is wrong. I kept saying it was some "dumping" because the first time I took a "bite" of a piece of bread, or I had a hard candy an hour earlier, or I took a lick of an ice cream the day before. I was always trying to find a "reason" why it happened. The episode yesterday was bad, but not as bad as some I have had before. Two weeks ago I went to dinner. I had two bites of salad, and one small corner of a hard piece of bread (no butter), and it started, in the restaurant. I was in the toilet for 45 minutes, moaning and groaning. I blamed the bread, swore it was the bread, I was dumping on the bread. It was not even a bite, but I still blamed the bread.
I am also thinking I may not be having a normal BM as I thought I was and perhaps since it is now starting to occur about every week or two, that may have something to do with it.
I will be on the horn tomorrow with the surgeon for an appointment. I appreciate your story as it has given me lots to think about and to get moving as this may be serious. Thank you. Hugs, Missy.
As you know, everyone is different and we can experience the same thing differenlty or seemingly experience the same thing but it really be different! LOL
When I had the internal hernia, I had pain -- constant -- sometimes burning -- sometimes stabbing -- something with eating -- sometimes not. But always something nagging me. If I got into a "fit," I could sometimes pull out of it by lying down (the bowel would retract back into proper place and let up).
When I had the partial obstruction and it was closer to November (at its worse), I had difficulty eating. The only way that I could describe it to the nurse was to say that other than the pain that had with no reason or rhyme, when I ate, I had a "gag reflux." It was as if my body was saying, "Oh, no you don't! I will NOT take that!" After a bite or two, I'd just stop eating. I still had bowel function b/c it was partial meaning that things were going through.
With everything that happened in the last year, I haven't really eaten many solids. I was actually sobbing one night to my husband telling him that I was hungry and asked him when was the last time I had really eaten anything? He couldn't answer me and neither could I. And, I was hungry, damn it! *sigh*
Well, that has since been resolved since I ate three pieces of pizza and chugged it down with Pepsi tonight for dinner! YEEE HAWWWWW! LOL
Anyway, I think I'd like to tell you not to resolve yourself to a certain condition. You may have something as simple as IBS. There are so many things that can be the cause or culprit of abdominal distress. I suggest that you talk in as much detail as you can to your doctor. Say even the seemingly "crazy" explanations or feelings you have -- as bizarre as they may sound. They've heard it all. And watch them -- make sure they are listening. The one thing I love about my surgeon is that he LISTENS to me. He sits and LISTENS intently. Sometimes he'll raise his hand and ask a quick question in relation, get my answer, nod and allow me to go on. He may ask more questions but trust me -- I do most of the talking! And, I think that's good medicine.
Also, please recognize that while this has to be addressed, it may take time. It's not likely someone is going to jump on a horn and go digging inside your body. You'll likely have to rule out some of the simple things first and you may even find the cause. I used to believe in agressive medicine. I've learned through experience that conservative medicine is usual the best approach; however, agressive medicine has it's place and there is a definite discernment that has to be resolved case by case.
Mediciine is still an ART which is PRACTICED.
I pray that whatever is ailing you is simple and found quickly so that you can be the best that you can be!
Please keep in touch and let me know what transpires. Also, I'll do anything I can to help you.
Goodnight for now,
Hi Missy..sorry you are not feeling well. In Aug..I had finished dinner and almost immediately had pains...I thought it was because of the starch I had eaten..the pain would not subside and went to ER I was operated on within a few hours for a bowel obstruction. It was caused by adhesions from the hysterectomy that I had several years ago. Thank god I am feeling good ever since however, it took several months before I got back to myself. Take care, AJ
I have been going through similar episodes over the last 3 weeks. Within 10 to 15 minutes of eating severe pains in my right side, and lower back. I went to see my surgeon, and they did a CT scan, and found nothing. The pain continued, and like others said, worse than labor! I went back to my surgeon, and an ultra sound revealed gallstones. I had my gallbladder removed last week. After eating my first real meal last week the severe pain returned. So now what! I am off to see my surgeon on Wednsday. I do fine as long as I eat small portions and soft food. I would be curiosus to see what it is. However, I wasn't sure if you still have your GB or not. If so, it could be your gallbladder. Keep ups posted and take care!
I am 3 years out and have lost 176 lbs.
I too am having pain in my belly ( not my pouch) it is above the belly button gets real bad and goes around to my lower back on both sides. I dont have a gall bladder so its not that. This pain started in april. I have had all kinds of tests ct, mri, colonoscopy, and edoscopy, all tests were fine normal and shows nothing.
My pain always seems to be in the evening after I eat ( but not every time) It was almost every nite before i had all the testing done, but now its not very often. I do seem to swell during the day around my waist...jeans are loose and fit well and before nite i have to unbutton them.
When I do have the pain if i go lay down..when it first starts...on my right side in fetal will fade away quickly. I have to take off anything tight off my belly tho.So I have no idea what this is..but i guess if I am getting less pain I will see how it goes. I do have a terriable problem with constipation also.
I hope we all find out what this is and get the help we need.