Help I feel so bad, I have gained 30lbs,
Check out the Fitness Forum - lots of good info over there about getting started on exercise. Jeremy Gentles, the forum leader, has some really excellent articles on how to get started on that forum front page Let me see if I can do a link...
There is a messageboard over there where you can post your question & hopefully get some responses from folks who are into fitness.
I waited until I was 15 months out to really commit to exercising, and it does seem to be making a difference. The biggest change I made to get myself into the groove was to commit to MORNING exercise, six days per week. If I don't do it in the morning, I think about it all day, come up with reasons not to do it, or sometimes things just happen, work runs long, I'm too tired, something comes up after work, etc. Morning works best for me, and since I committed to it I have stuck to it.
I joined the local Y years ago and paid my monthly fee wihtout ever going for a long time, or going very seldom. They have trainers you can hire, and I saved up and paid for ten sessions with a personal trainer. BEST INVESTMENT I ever made, because I had no clue how to get started. Also, I knew if I had to show up and meet somebody else that I was PAYING to meet me, I'd be more likely to follow thru. This also worked. I love my trainer! I still see her 1-2X/week now but at first I saw her 3X/week which really helped me. She showed me how to use all the machines over and over until now it is second nature for me. I never thought it would be, but I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks
I encourage you to just do it! Find something you like, or several things, and make a commitment to yourself to JUST DO IT every day. You have the desire, which is all you need to get started!
Good luck!

Congratulations, Kimberly!!! You've made a great decision. Exercise has been a very key part of my success. I do both cardio and strength/weight training and I feel that both are important. The previous poster had some great advice. I also got a trainer and still use him. If you are unable to afford this, use a friend or relative who is very savvy (make sure they know what they're doing!!).
You will feel so much better when you get on a program and stick with it! You go girl!!!