Five Years - where has the time gone?
Patty, thank you for your update. It is REAL. I don't think there is a one of us out here who would say..."Oh yeah, it was a walk in the park and still is". Life is about struggle. We don't realize how good it can be if we don't struggle at times. I'm glad your glass is still half full and not half empty.
Life is good!
Thanks for your wonderful post. Like you I struggle daily to keep the weight off my still obese body (187 and holding), but I'm so thankful for having had wls.
I think many of us go into wls thinking it will cure all our ills. After all, for years if we stumped our toe the doctor would say if you'd lose some weight this wouldn't happen, etc. Is it any wonder we expected weight loss to make us feel 20 again?
Have a great day!
Patty: It was so great to see your post here. You were one of the first people on this site who I looked to for inspiration when I started my journey 4+ years ago. I appreciated all your wise words then, and I certainly do now as well.
As we've all learned, WLS is not the cure for all that ails us, but it sure is a God-send. I'm sorry that you're in all that pain, and I hope it will get better for you.
Best wishes,