Food Issues at 26+ Months Out?
on 11/29/06 6:17 am - Dauphin, PA
on 11/29/06 6:17 am - Dauphin, PA
Hey to all ~
I've had 2 episodes , 8 days apart, in the last 9 days with food and, although they're over, thought I'd post and see if anyone else has had this problem. I am calling the doctor tomorrow for an appointment.
I normally start my day with at least 2 large cups of coffee, followed by a protein shake, and all of that is before 8:30. At 9:00, I eat some "breakfast," which usually consists of low-fat lunch meat or leftover meat from the meal the evening before, usually 3 to 4 ounces. I continue to eat slowly and chew well. Both episodes began approximately 1/2 hour later, where I felt that the meat was stuck in my upper chest, to the point where I couldn't even begin to drink fluids up to 2 to 3 hours later. Both times I tried, I ended up having the fluids and some if not all of the meat coming back up, and then I was done for the day. Everytime I tried to even take a sip after that, I could not keep it down.
Has anyone else experienced this? Again, I am going to call my PCP and ask for a referral to my surgeon as I feel well otherwise and truly believe this could be something surgically related.
Thanks for any and all wisdom/replies.
Do you experience naseau with this occurence or at other times?
Do you have any abdominal pain ever?
Do you have your gallbladder?
Is there any difference (even the slightest as more or less dense) in the consistency of the food you ate when you had the episodes?
It's good for you to talk with both your PCP and surgeon, I believe. When I experienced what you are describing, I felt a "gag" reflux. It felt a bit different from being nauseated and wanting to aspirate but rather a "rejection" by the body. I, however, also had nausea and it increasingly worsened and the episodes became more frequent. In my case of these symptoms, the doctor examined me and determined that, though my CT Scan was inconclusive, that I had a partial bowel obstruction likely caused by adhesions. He went in, found just that, and repaired it.
I have more information on my profile regarding internal hernias and adhesions if you're interested.
Of course, I cannot diagnose you and I am speculating according to my own experience Only you and your healthcare professionals can determine what is happening and, if necessary, treatment.
on 11/29/06 7:05 am - Dauphin, PA
on 11/29/06 7:05 am - Dauphin, PA
Vanessa ~
Thanks so much for your reply and I learned a lot from reading your profile!
No nausea, no pain, and I still do have my gallbladder. The consistency of the meat was totally different. The lunch meat is thinly sliced, while the leftover meat was sliced, but not nearly as thin. I had no gagging; just that nagging feeling that something was caught in my chest...followed by loads of saliva and I know what's going to happen once that starts. I liked your term "rejection from the body" and think that's what could be going on with me.
I finally ate something tonight for dinner. While my stomach is "talking" to me, I feel fine. This is the first I've eaten, however, since yesterday morning. I was afraid to eat at work today, so I did 3 protein shakes to make sure I got my protein in.
Again, thanks for the information and sharing. I'll be on the horn to the doctor tomorrow!
Take care,
I was having the feeling of something stuck in my throat and was diagnosed with reflux. and given an RX for ? cant remember now. didnt trust the diagnosis from my PCP, so saw an ear nose and throat dr who took a look down and saw a lot of irritation in my throat around my vocal cords from.... reflux....
went on high dioses of nexium for a couple months before it felt better.
definately see a dr for evaluation. asap.
on 11/30/06 7:55 am - Dauphin, PA
on 11/30/06 7:55 am - Dauphin, PA
Willow ~
Thanks for your information as well. I have an appointment with my PCP tomorrow morning. He wants to see me first and, if necessary, will then refer me to my surgeon. I trust my PCP, so all is well. Reflux? Wow - never would have thought of that.
No problems with eating today, but I can tell you that since I had that 2nd episode, I'm being very, very careful.
Take care and thanks again.

on 12/2/06 4:25 am - Dauphin, PA
on 12/2/06 4:25 am - Dauphin, PA
Hey Vanessa ~
Thanks for checking on me again. I saw my PCP and had some blood work done and, of course, am waiting on the results which should be in this week. Had a "cursory" exam and he feels everything is normal. He did agree with me, however, and gave me a referral to my surgeon. My appointment, though, is not until December 15th (first available but am on a waiting list for any cancellation****il then, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that another episode does not occur.
Hope all is well with you!