losing balance?
I hope you find out what is causing you to lose your balance! I agree to check all the vitamins. I did want to note, however, that I get clumsy when my thyroid is off. It is not a widely known symptom of hypothyroidism but it sure had me!! I would lose my balance, trip over my self, drop things, just overall clumsy. I don't know if you are noticing any other things but thought I'd mention it for you and the other readers.
Let us know what happens and don't get hurt in the meantime!
I had the same problem. It was as simple that as my weight changed, so did my center of gravity and I had to learn new ways of moving my body.
the biggest help - YOGA classes. they have helped tremendously in regaining a sense of my body and where it is in space (proprioreception) and building strength and my core muscles that help control how my body moves.
One of our first science lessons included learning the five senses: touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste. The "sixth sense," is called proprioception. Proprioception allows you to touch your nose with your eyes closed. It is the sense of where your body is in space. Proprioception helps you balance and how to put one foot in front of the other to walk without looking at your feet.
working with a stability ball, bosu ball, and strength training may also help improve that sense of balance as well.
It is kind of funny, because a trainer told me when I was working out preop that I might have issues with balance and movement as I lost large amounts of weight, but it didn't make sense to me at the time - being lighter just makes it all easier - right? Well it does in the sense that I have less joint pain and I dont have to work as hard to move 135 pounds as I did 260+ but I had no idea how my balance would change.
It makes sense to check labs and all that with your dr, then if all checks out ok, see if he will order some physical therapy to help you work on proprioreceptiion so you insurnce will probably cover it, or if not then maybe work with a trainer to increase your balance, strength and flexibility.
Young lady:
We absolutely can't rely one eating good foods for vitamins. Remember that you do not have all your intestine and will always malabsorb vitamins.
I am religious about B-12, among other vitamins and minerals. Please go to Walmart, get a higher dose B-12 sublingual, some citrical, and a good generic multivitamin (I break them into fourths) and take them daily!
Colonel Dave
Hi dave, I remember you from the Aisian Wind Dinner. i was one of the first there. Remember we all had to wait while Lei found her way. Anyway, thanks for the advice. Yes I know all that and have the vitamins you named already. i order my calcuim online from Vitalady. Another bypass patient who has formulated vitamins just for us. I take the Super osteo ones. I use the Walmart brandd of multi's. i give myself a nasty old B-12 shot every month. that is the one thing I am religous about. Just slack on all my others.
Hey Delores,
One other to add to the list....
One of the symptoms of "foliate deficiency"
(not enough folic acid) is -
Getting enough Grains?
The U.S. RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for folate is 400 micrograms per day
½ cup- Total; or Multi-grain Cheerios cereal 400 mcgs
½ cup- Lentils 180 mcgs
½ cup- Chickpeas or Pinto beans 145 mcgs
½ cup- Black beans; spinach 130 mcgs
1 cup- Pasta, cooked 100-120 mcgs
1 cup- Most breakfast cereals 100 mcgs
¼ cup- wheat germ 100 mcgs
Unlike some of the other "B-Vitamin issues"
Supplementing with folic acid reverses the effects of foliate deficiency very quickly.
Have some Total this week, and try walking a tight-rope the next!!!
Just a thought.....
Best Wishes-