Still Hanging in There
Hi all,
Just an update on my progress. I am still watching what I eat. I did not do as good this week as I did last though. I lost a bunch right up front, then only like a pound this week. That is ok. I am still doing the right things most of the time. I have not had a potato chip or a piece of candy in weeks. I am giving myself a free pass for Thanksgiving though. I am planning on going to an excercise class that morning that lasts an hour and a half though. My saving grace is that I love exercise. I just upgraded my MP3 to a Ipod and LOVE it. It is a necessity for me. Music makes me move. I have spent a great deal of time choosing and categorizing certain types of music for differnt workouts and moods. I highly recommend this to anyone having a hard time getting motivated.
So anyway, the change is going well. I find I have lost interest in anything fried, breaded or even greasy. It just does not look good to me. I went to this bar/restaraunt on saturday that had limited healthy food choice. I ended up with delicious steak bites and a cup of soup. I no longer keep any bad food in my house. I take healthy snakcs to work and I seem to be adjusting well. That is a good thing.
Keep up the work to anyone struggling. You are not alone and there lots of us long term post ops with the same issues. I look at it like I am just doing what "normal" have to do to maintain their weight. I hear the thin, healthy women at my gym talking about the exact same issues as well. I realized the other day that our issues are not limited to our group here. Thin people certainly do not get to eat what they want all of the time either. It takes some self-control and constant practice. Keep practicing everyone. We did not come this far fro nothing right?
Take care,
Thanks for this post, Terri. I haven't been on OH nearly as much lately as I normally am, so I don't know exactly what your situation has been, but it's obvious you're doing a great job at making changes to get back on track. I found this post very inspiring, as I'm really, really struggling right now with a 15+lb. re-gain. Had a good week last wee****il I went to bridge club Thurs. night, and the rest of the weekend just went to hell after that. Although my workouts never did stop completely, I had really been sloughing off for a couple mo., but I'm back at it again more faithfully, which I know is absolutely imperative for any hope I have of long-term success.
I really need to keep reading all the grads' posts, as it really helps me to know we're all in this together. And I REALLY liked your last paragraph about how "normal" people struggle too. I tend to feel so "persecuted" and have to remind myself that most women are out there "fighting the good fight" right along with me!