Failing surgery or Failed surgery
Maybe you didn't fail. Maybe your surgery failed. Many things happen depending on the type of surgery you had. Sometimes you have a stretched stoma where the food just flows through. If you weren't transected, maybe your old stomach reattached. You need to go to the doctor and get scoped to make sure that your surgery is still in tack. Many will tell you that all you have to do is watch what you east and exercise. Golly!!!!!!!!! Really!!!!!!!!!!!!! we don't know that huh. If I could do that, I wouldn't have needed the surgery. If your tool is broken, you may need a revision. I am a member of a great board of "graduates"
I am the proud owner of current pictures of my 4 yr old pouch. My transected sorta-new tummy is beautiful and intact. I never reached goal and will not. My weight is perfect for me and is maintained with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. I'm not sure what this comment from you is about Fay, but surgical RNY, (in my opinion) rarely fails. The patient has to want to succeed.
Good luck in your journey!
"I'm not sure what this comment from you is about Fay, but surgical RNY, (in my opinion) rarely fails"
But, it does often fail. I know and correspond with so many people who have had revisions. On my profile, is a copy of another persons struggle with a stretched stoma. I am always pleased to hear from successes, but worry when other's are considered failures. Others who are spoken to like you were preop. Remember when people told you to just eat less. Before I ever comment on someones weight gain, I always suggest they have a scope to determine the status of their surgery.
Fay, I agree, some of us could potentially fail the surgery due to our addiction to food, however, I have seen the surgery fail others too.
I think is is a great reminder to let people know that unless they are scoped to be sure the surgery is in tact, no one will ever know why. I never tell anyone that the reason for regain is due to non-compliance, we don't know that for sure and telling others to get control when they don't have the tool to help them is unrealistic.
I battle food choices allot and thank God for my tool, without it properly working there is very little chance I could be successful, JMO anyway.