Cleansing or Fasting - Help!
I just feel blah and think I need a good cleansing of the body. With the weather and time change plus my eating habits which have been really bad, I think I need some help. I am also trying to detox from carbs. Does anyone know of a good menu to help? Or do you think fasting would be better?
Any ideas/sugguestions would be appreciated!

I find three days of eating nothing but dense protein will kill the craving for carbs. I don't limit the amount I eat, but it usually ends up around 4 oz of dense protein. If I want a snack I eat a piece of cheese or 10 almonds.
I don't think fasting is healthy, but that's just my opinion. I think it sets us up to slow the metabolism down even further.
Best of luck to you!
I sent you an e-mail response which came back so I decided to just reply to your message.
This is high in fat but all I can say is it doesn't show up in my blood work. I've gone off my cholestrol medication and have a reading of 140-150 eating a high fat diet most of the time.
Typical day on my getting back to basics menu
4 oz roasted chicken
4 oz steak (pork chop, pork loin, hamburger)
10 almonds
or slice of cheese
Best of luck!
Please send it to me as well. [email protected]