Very Interesting and Eye Opening Article
People simply can't get adequate nutrition by going to a grocery store, loading up on healthy foods and chewing their way through groceries. Given the nutritional profile of today's foods, it's physically impossible for a human being to do so. To make matters worse, most people don't eat optimum foods to begin with. They eat foods that are nutritionally depleted.
They drink a lot of cow's milk, which actually has poor nutrition for human beings given that it is designed for baby cows, not baby humans. They eat a lot of red meat, which contains heart-damaging saturated animal fats and lacks fiber. They take cheap vitamins that offer synthetic forms of vitamins and minerals rather than natural, organic forms. People also engage in lifestyle habits that deplete the vitamins and minerals they've managed to absorb from their foods. These habits include the consumption of caffeine, soft drinks, tobacco, white flour, added sugars, and other ingredients that actually strip nutrients away from your body.
To top it off, they're subjected to chronic stress conditions like work stress, environmental stress (breathing polluted air, drinking polluted water), relationship stress, lack of sleep, lack of sunlight, and so on. This chronic stress actually accelerates the depletion of nutrients in the body, leaving people in a deeper state of nutritional deficiency.
So by the time you're done with all of that, the average American has only a fraction of the nutrition they actually need for optimum health. And that means they are operating at far less than the health potential their body was designed for. If they were able to get better nutrition and avoid the nutrient depleting substances in their foods, imagine what state of health they could achieve. Imagine how good their blood chemistry would be, the level of energy they would have on a daily basis, how healthy they would be and how long a life they would live free of chronic pain and free of chronic disease. This is the kind of life that you can achieve with nutrition. And it is exactly the life that I'm leading right now through a proven strategy of nutrition and physical exercise.
So if you put all this together, you realize that the standard American diet is a diet of chronic disease and death. The diet that most people are following today in modern societies is a diet that will kill them much sooner with far higher health care costs and with far lower quality of life than if they were able to eat simpler foods -- unprocessed, non-manufactured, and unrefined. Our diet is the number one cause of disease in this country. The American food supply is what's killing us, not our genes or bad luck (as many doctors would have you mistakenly believe).
As a side note to all of this, it's interesting to look at the companies that produce white flour and how they ship that white flour to cereal companies, bread companies and other commercial users of the product. You may know that if you're in the food business, it's difficult to ship food without having it infested by various pests. There are mice, rats and insects that want to eat your food as it is being transported.
But when companies ship refined white flour in large 50 lb. bags, they don't have to use any insecticide whatsoever. That's because if an insect gets into the bag of white flour and starts eating it, that insect will die from consuming it. White flour is a natural insecticide because it kills any insect that attempts to live off of it.
So by the time the truck arrives at its destination, which might be a cereal company, a bread company or some kind of food producer, if there were ants or crickets or other insects that got into the truck when it left the factory, all those insects will be dead by the time it arrives. Why did they die? They were eating the white flour.
You can try this experiment yourself by buying some white flour, putting it in a bowl and throwing some ants and crickets in with it. Give them a little bit of water, just so they don't die from dehydration, and then find out how long they live. You'll find they won't live very long at all.
And yet, many Americans are attempting to live off white flour because they consume it at every single meal in alarming quantities. Then they wonder why they suffer from chronic disease. The fact is that white flour will (slowly) kill you. It will cause nutritional deficiencies and it will ultimately put you in a state of chronic disease that could easily be avoided by consuming whole grain flour and getting outstanding nutrition rather than consuming processed grains.
So don't make the mistake of thinking that nutrition simply means calories. Often, around the world, when you hear the term 'malnutrition', you're shown images of thin, bony children who haven't had anything to eat. But in fact, Americans look just like that underneath all the fat. They are malnourished, they are diseased and they continue to suffer from malnutrition caused by the consumption of nutritionally depleted foods such as pancakes, white bread, candy bars, soft drinks, breakfast cereals, pastries, processed foods, junk foods, snack foods, and many other items.
This article is an excerpt from the book, The 7 Laws of Nutrition by Mike Adams.
Interesting and scarey, I had an uncle tell me one time that to get rid of ants, pour some self rising flour on the ant mound, they carry the flour to the queen, she eats it and the stuff that causes it to self rise, is actually what is killing the insect..wonder if there is a correlation to your story and that one? Either way we all know this is true, there is no nutritional content to white flour,,so why do we still buy it??? I for one have always bought whole grains that has at least 4 grams of fiber in it..and it is not easy to find,,and you will pay dearly for it...interesting terri ty
WOWOWOW - look at you, missy! You're beeeee'yootiful. Not that there was ever a doubt, or nuthin' ...but this is the first time Ive seen a picture next to your posts, the previous ones were the gray guy with a question mark plastered across the square.
This one is much much much nicer! [sigh] ...and Im jealous. I have the thinnest lips you'll ever find on a gal, have to really add a lot of "liner" to them just to pretend they exist - what I'd do for voluptious ones like you have.
Uh - and NO, I'm not hitting on you - honest!

LOL,,I did not think you wa****ting on me*grin*. My DH finally put the pic on for me. I watched him so maybe I could update from time to time,,but geesh, all the things you have to do to put a pic up makes it look like "work". He took it with his pic phone so its kinda blurry. Ty for the compliment, but Lei,,I look at eyes and when I see pictures of you,,I see a woman who has the biggest light coming out of her eyes, truely having a big time and loving life...I showed hubby your pic and said,,DON'T SHE LOOK LIKE FUN!!! far as the lips,,you should have seen them puppies when I played basketball and got hit with the ball one time...they looked like a big hemmorroid on my face..NOT PRETTY~~lol
{sigh} ...and Im one of those "addicted to da' white carbs/flours" kinda gal. Although I eat VERY LITTLE of it (even before the bypass) ..when it's an option between white breads or brown, stand outta' the way of my white flour and no one gets hurt!
This was a great read, Terri, thanks for posting it - now if I can just retain the visual of all the bugs gorging, swelling and finally dying from the stuff, maybe I can at least cut back on it.
Very interesting, but I had to smile, when I thought of my grandfather who ate red meat, smoked, dranked whiskey, he also worked as a coal miner from the age of 18 to 58. He spent his days in the dark tunnels of the coal mines, no sunlight. He had 10 children, 50 grandchildren, 17 great grandchildren. This man also did not believe in going to the doctor. My grandfather died at the age of 101, on his death certificate the caused of death noted heart failure due to OLD AGE.
So I think we can also add into the whole concept of our well being is also our DNA makeup and having GOOD Genes.
I agree with what you and the above poster stated, but those people worked hard and never plopped their buts down and popped on the t.v. that is where the body breaks down,,us loading it up with fat and sugar and high caloric stuff and then we SIT Mother and Dad picked cotton until they were married, my Mother never smoked, never drank, she passed away at 65 from ovarian about not fair........