i haven't been around much, but i updated my profile and i really need some words of encouragement. i am gaining. yes, my doc and everyone else in my life want me to gain. yes, i didn't think a few lbs would be a big deal. but i am freaking out! i have gained somewhere between 5-6 lbs in just over a month. i am still weighing 112, which isn't bad, i am just now scared to death that i won't be able to stop the weight gain. this is why i was so hell bent on NOT gaining anything back. i have been eating anything, all kinds of junk, telling myself it is ok because i need to put a few lbs back on. but now i think i just killed all the work i did in the beginning to teach myself a new way of eating!
please don't look at this as me saying 112 is a bad thing, thats not it. ideally, i would like to maintain right around 110, so this weight is ok. i am just terrified that the scale is going to keep going up. today, i WILL NOT pick up one piece of stupid halloween candy! and i am going to drink drink drink my water! maybe i need to de-carb myself also. any other suggestions that may stop the scale from going in the wrong direction? this is making me so depressed....
hugs~mary jo
Mary Jo , If your goal was to get healthy .. loosing weight is not the end . Even if you need to gain a few lbs .. eating candy and junk is not the way to do it . Focus on healthy eating always .. If you want to gain 3 lbs ..add back a few calories but make them healthy calories . When we revert back to sloppy eating we are indeed beginning to undo all the good things we learned and in time it could lead to unhealthy bodies . You have done so well and Im sure are so much healthier now .. remember to thin is unhealthy too. Strive to be as healthy as you can .. Hugs , Ruthie
Stay off the scale.... I think we are all petrified of gaining wt... I know I am... but you have to remember that the scale is a number... a heavier person can be healthier than a thinner person...
Strive for how you feel, how you look, being healthy... thats all that matters...
We are here for you.
I think staying off the scale is great advise if you can do it. I am addicted to weighing myself every single morning. It is a ritual. I go to the bathroom, pee, strip down getting ready for my shower and weigh right before I step in. I am only 5'1 so I keep thinking that I can get smaller and be okay because of my height. I see those stupid weight charts and they show like 110-120 or something for my height so I think okay maybe I am too big at 122/125!!! I think just let your body land naturally where it is most comfortable and you need to feel good too not just weigh less. It is hard but being healthy is the most important thing for all of us! I have been very tired lately because I haven't been taking my vitamins for like months and I think it is all catching up to me now!

Hey MJ! I know they really wanted you to gain a few pounds back, but I also understand how scary it is. I agree that we still need to try to eat healthy foods even when trying to gain. Somedays that's easier said than done! I haven't been eating properly lately and physically I can feel it~no real weight gain, but I feel more lethargic, weak, etc. That is scaring me back into eating only healthy foods today! I am a daily weigher, so could never stay off of the scale so I don't know how you feel about that?? I just like to know exactly where I stand every day so I can make choices based on that~it helps me mentally. So, my advice is to eat healthy, don't worry about the weight gain b/c you needed to gain a few pounds and I'm sure the weight gain will subside on its own!
Tracy B
Hey girl, I know the mind games are just aweful. I haven't been doing well myself, working on that though, to eat but make it good food choices.
I'm staying in my range for the most part, saw 125.2 and freaked was definitely an eye opener. Yesterday was a great day, so far today I'm making wise choices and hope at home tonight I don't undo everything I've done today.
I know you like the low number on the scale, I did to....but really think about it.......your body needs to settle at a good weight for your lowest it probably wasn't right for you. Remember when I got below 120 and was happy, sure it is exciting to say we did it....but is is really healthy. Probably not.
I still have family saying you need to gain, your too small and look healthier at 130 lbs. Maybe so but mentally I'm afraid to be there and have some type of bounce back beyond the 130 lbs.
Your goal weight is 120 lbs, you are 8 lbs below that, which gives you a little room to play with. Don't let it cause you to be depressed, get your pre-op pictures out, take new pictures now and compare, look how far you've come.
Hope you are doing well, I've missed seeing you around.
I too myself has got to gain. I got down to 88lbs. And was throwed in the hospital 8 days getting jars of fat ran in me. I worried the whole 8 days that I would gain to much and be fat when I got out. Well I only got up to 95lbs. and he let me go home. He told me if I didn't get in 1800 cals. a day that I would die. And I was well on my way. I have throwed up so much..........He put me on some pancrease meds. It seemed to help. My weight stays between 95-98 now that I am able to eat. The doctor wants me at 120. I don't want to be that much. I want to be 110. It seems like I am eating all the time. I am too scared that I want be able to stop. I do not want to go back to being overweight. I don't know what to do. Eat or die......I guess that is not a hard choice. Good luck to ya. And does things ever go to normal again???????