Update on Jane (aka Marilyn Monroe)
Great news - just got off the phone with Jane and she's already home and resting in her recliner!! Although her mom was originally going to handle calling with an update - Jane's 4 legged fur-baby chose TODAY to have a lil drama (intestinal blocking) and mom had to take her to the vet.
Thankfully, both Jane and the kittykat are going to be fine. Jane is in some pain, as is to be expected but the Perc's she's taking is helping to take the edge off. She was in surgery from 8:00 in the morning till 1:30 and can already tell she's going to LOVE her new flat belly and the firm and perky "girls".
Per Jane, and yes this is a quote .."Wow Lei, you're not going to believe it .....but my boobs are HUGE!!!!"
...followed by the cutest "drug induced" giggle.
She said the doctor removed about 5 lbs of skin from the belly area but I have a feeling they've ADDED about the same, up north? I told her she'd have to REMODEL her "Marilyn Monroe" dress for ALL of us, post op.
If you want to send messages to Jane, you can either respond to this thread - or to her surgery page or email address, which are also listed below.
Jane's Surgery Page:
Jane's email address: [email protected]