do we always freeze?
Hi Susan
I was freezing also. I was burning everyone up at work, so now I have a little heater under my desk. It is nice and warm in my office. The only problem is when I go out of my office, it feels like I am walking into a freezer
I was always HOT before surgery...even in the winter. Now I am cold if it gets below 70. That's ok though...I will keep warm.

Thanks everyone for the replies. I guess I am going to have to invest in more sets of Cuddl Duds so I can wear them everyday. It's only November. I'll be a popsicle by January when it really gets cold.
My boss and I have offices that are connected and we can control our own heating/cooling. He is the only man I know who likes the same temp I do. Others complain about my office being too warm and I just tell them that as long as the man in the other office isn't complaining the temp is staying where it is.
Today I'm wearing a turtleneck cashmere sweater and I'm wishing I'd put something under it because the thermostat is already set at 72 and I'm still cold. I may have to plug in my small heater under my desk. Brrrrrrrr