gained wt back, help me!!!
Hi, I had gastric bypass surgery 4 years ago Sept and lost 150 lbs.I stayed around the same wt for about 3 years and then I could eat more and especially sugar, my downfall. I was only about 15 lbs from my goal and all of a sudden I lost control of what I ate. I joined Curves and started eatinf more,and sugar a lot, and I have gained back about30 lbs and gone up 2 sizes. I am scared, especially since I almost lost my life after the surgery. I had 12 absesse3s on my liver three weeks after surgery and was treated for 14 weeks on IV antibiotics. So why Cant I stop eating. I need all the help anyone can give me. also would it hurt me to use the detixsystem. since I have all that suger in my system. I will be waiting for any answers you may have. And thanks in advance,Pat
It might be really hard for a couple weeks, but you need to go back to basics and tough things out.
All protein or at least first, straigh****er, your supplements and exercise. Do that for 10 days and then introduce your vegtables back in.
If you truly stick to it, you will lose the overwhelming desire for sweets, but its like a drug you know. You are addicted and you need to fill your life with other things.
Do you ever examine why you are eating the sweets at the time you are putting it in your mouth ? What are your feelings at the time? Are you bored? tired? frustrated? stressed? Sometimes being dehydrated can be mistaken for hunger or even need to eat. When you feel the urge coming on, drink some water.
I really don't have answers for you. Maybe you should go talk to a counselor. In the news lately there has been a lot of stuff on WLS patients transferring their addictions from food to something else. I have a lot of friends that are going to a therapist and most of them say it is truly helping them deal with issues that caused them to eat. Frankly, I need to do the same thing. Right now, I'm dealing with not eating completely right. I'm 5 years out and I got to the point I had to gain weight. I did and I overshot my goal by 10 lbs. I want to get it off...been trying for two years. Now it is starting to come off. Partly from trying and partly from not eating as balanced a diet as I should. I know that can lead to poor choices and I don't want that to happen. So, I'm looking into finding a therapist. When I was a teen, I was anorexic and I don't want to go back there.
I was recently at a support meeting where someone was out 8 years. She said she did well for about 5 years but stopped taking care of "herself" first. She has since started back to "basics" and started losing again. Maybe that is what you need to do. go back to Protein first then veggies, lots of water and exercise. I have just celabrated my first year so I am still working on the losing part. I need to get more exercise in my daily schedule. I haven't tried any 'sugar', I am so used to being on diets and cutting out the sugar I really don't miss it.
Good Luck
You've come to the right place; so many of us here on the grads board are struggling to (a) get to goal in the first place, (b) maintain what we've lost, or (c) lose what we've re-gained
I'm in the 3rd category, having re-gained 15 lbs. at about 2 yrs. post-op and feeling like a runaway train.
It seems we all know what we should do, but we feel similar to before surgery--out of control! I know I'm getting a reality check by reading the grads board--it makes me face facts, review what I KNOW I need to be doing, and be inspired by other posters' determination and successes. I can identify with almost everything I'm reading here.
Check out "Kathy & Rich"s post further down (11/3) about their 8 week challenge. I just jumped on the bandwagon the middle of the week and am going to try my best to be accountable. I haven't had a great weekend (was somewhat under the weather w/ a mild sore throat & weakness, so I wanted to eat comfort foods), but I actually did better than what I've been doing, and I feel motivated to start this week with a positive attitude & behaviors.
We went through so much!! Let's just refuse to give in to our old way of life! Whatever we have re-gained, we can re-lose, and I am going to do my darndest to get a grip BEFORE the holidays, rather than AFTER!

Pat, I have gained back about 20 lbs after getting to my goal weight. I was about 3 1/2 years out when I started gaining. I am trying to go back to protein, protein but it is hard, isn't it? I want to get back into my little clothes so am trying to pep talk myself back into it. Keep me in your thoughts and I will you.