Break Some Eggs ... Something New > ?
Break some eggs.
To make an omelet, you have to break some eggs, as the old saying goes. Think about the first human to have developed the recipe for omelets. He probably made a lot of mistakes initially -- throwing the whole egg onto the hot griddle, not mixing the eggs first, not flipping them over. The only way we ever learn something new is when we give ourselves the freedom to screw up. There are probably a number of new things you've always longed to try, but you felt your weight got in the way. So do them now. Sign up for fiddle lessons. Give square dancing a try. Learn to crochet. Sure, your family will ask you to practice fiddle in a sound-proof room for a while, and you'll be stepping on toes and colliding with bodies during those first few barn dances. But WLS has given you a new lease on life and now is the time to expand your horizons. It's never too late to learn.
Action for the day: Pick one activity you have always wanted to try. Pull out the yellow pages and find a local community center or school that offers lessons and call them.