Gas problem
Did anybody experiensed the same problem as me and what you did to solved it?I am 10 moth after gastric bypass surgery. Thank God I didn't have any serious problems until now .At 10 month post-op I start having gas.It is very embarassing and uncomfortable.May be because I started to eat carbohydrates,I don't know why?If anybody had similar problem ,please share with me your solution. Thank you.
I keep simethicone with me at all times (generic gas X) My pain gets so so bad from gas & my body deosnt want to expell it at either end. I dont know weither I am grateful for that part or not. I can tell you that when I seem to eat healthier I get more gassy. Vegetables kill me. If I stay stricktly protein its better but never gone. The simethicone works & is cheap. My surgeon is ok with it being used Daily. I would check with yours if you need it like that.
Good Luck
RNY 9/17/03
One suggestion they gave us in the OH support group leader training is to make sure you are chewing really well.
When you don't chew the food as well, larger pieces of it travel through the system and since they don't break down as easily, the food ferments creating lots of gas.
It's worth a try!
I should buy stock in Gas-X, actually I buy the bonus packs at Costco. If it's the smell that bothers you, there is a deodorant pill (chlorophyl-based, I think) that is sold for Colostomy patients that makes your waste odor free. I used that during my first couple of years when I didn't know what would bring it about.
I'm 5 1/2 years out, and I woke myself up last night from my gas
It doesn't stop.

I can tell you my gas, my really bad gas, is cause by carbohydrates. I didn't realize how many carbs had creeped back into my diet. I went back to basics at 9 months at to see if I get my weight moving again and stopped eating complex carbs, like rice and potatoes. My gas just about disappeared. Yet one reason to eat right. If I stick to high protien, low carbs I feel better and don't poisin the air of my co-workers or loved ones.
Torrey (281/179/160)