I really need a butt kicking....please
Ok all.
We strugglers need to post more often about how we are doing. It is so easy to graze. I am fighting it so bad right now. Also the not drinking when eating is difficult for me.
Carlita, I too don't feel alot of support at the doc's. Just the facts. I know the facts and I know there are support groups available. I know what to do. It is just fighting the emotional demons that drive me to the pantry. I love carbs. They are the devil to me......grrrrrr.
Sometimes I feel like I'm just destined to be fat forever. I feel like I had this major surgery and my body still wants to fail me...know what I mean.
I find myself wanting to buy junk "for the kids" but I know that they don't need this. I'm a nurse for crying out loud! I know better.
Shelly - I will try to post here more often. I do feel very supported when I come here, and it's so validating to hear that others are doing many of the same things (albeit wrong things) that I am doing. It's a continual struggle, and has been for my entire life. I enjoyed the brief respite I got from the battle for almost 3 years following my WLS, but now I know that I have to gear myself up to again join the fight! I really wish I had been one of those who dump, or who never experience hunger again, but it was not to be. I feel so "normal" now it's not even funny!! I still cannot eat as much as pre-op, but I can eat enough, and none of the wrong things ever bother me at all! So my surgery is done working its magic for me, and don't get me wrong, I am eternally grateful for the gift I received of being able to lose the weight I needed to lose. Now it's up to me to see that I keep it off. I hope that I can, and that all of us can. Talk to you again soon.
Shelly, you aren't alone, I to am dealing with sugar and grazing, unfortunately I'm in the non-dumping category of post-ops *sigh*.
I am strugging mentally with allowing myself to sabotage my weight loss. I tell myself no, walk away and I be dang if I don't go right back and eat junk. Then the cycle begins, I'm mad because I gave in and I'm looking to comfort my emotions, hence more food.
I'll try to post more often on dealing with the daily struggle, we all need to support each other and know that we can do this. Our tool is there, we've worked hard to get where we are currently, there is no way I want to go back and I'm sure everyone else feels the same way.
Stay positive, refocus, let's do it.
Boy I wish I was a dumper too. I can eat anything. I really do worry about my stomach being stretched out but was told by a doc that it doesn't stretch out after 6 months. I can't eat like I could before so I just eat all day long! And I love stuff like cheese nips, candy, pretzels, soda, granola...etc, etc...all the wrong stuff.
I just had a bowl of cream of wheat which would have been ok if I wouldnt' have added the sugar to it and then ate what my baby didn't eat!