Halloween Goodies Be Gone!
How is everyone doing with halloween... I mean fall festival, autumnal harvest, fall harvest or whatever the politically correct term is these days. LOL!
How'd you do with the treats around?
As for me, I bought a big bag of bite size treats at Costco. I'll spare mentioning the product names. No need to remind anyone. LOL. We only had about 6 kids come by. Not usual. The rest of the candy was split between hubby and I - each of us taking the stash to our respective jobs. My candy was promptly on the table here at 8 am.
I dump easily on incidental sugars and I cannot even imagine how I'd feel eating the "real deal". That being said there was ZERO temptation to have even one small piece here just to have it. Hubby doesn't dump but out of my dumping... he chooses not to do sugar except for Christmas eve and day. On special occassions, I've said "Go ahead and have some if you want" and he has opted not too. Good man. I certainly do not expect him to avoid it on my behalf but he does anyway.
How'd everyone else do?
2 Take5's, 2 Reeses cups and a bite sized Snickers.
Obviously I don't dump
Guilt free too as I planned my eating yesterday with a spare 600 calories in it so I could have this junk. I'm now good until next halloween
The only temptation I am currently experiencing is the left over ice cream cake in the freezer from my daughter's birthday party. It sings to me..I can hear it even miles away. I am strong. Friday I will have a piece. I must wait until friday..
But the song is soo..lovely...
(The key to Friday is that there is a chance one of the kids will remember it and it will be eaten before I get to it. Yea..I planned that too

I'm a bad planner.
Late last night, the song won
1 super huge slice of ice cream cake in front of Law and Order. Kids never had a chance..
Lucky for me, my wife ate off all the vanilla from it..leaving me with the Oreo crunchies, chocolate and the chocolate cookie bottom.
Yea..like that makes a difference
Best guess was about 800 calories. (almost 25% of my daily allowed calories!!)
I worked it off in the gym this morning, but still..a good reminder that food can and will still get the best of me from time to time. Today, I am being light hearted about it and feel good with the knowledge that there is no more, so I cannot repeat the evening.

Hey Kathy,
I tell you candy is evil! You think, "Hey, it's just one piece?" WRONG! One piece can turn into 5 real fast. Chocolate was a huge downfall of mine. the last kid that came to my house at 8 pm last night, got everything I had left. So, except for Dylan's candy stash, none is left. Dylan doesn't even like chocolate either, so those are going in the trash. Now, we have the holidays and my other problem...cookies (lol).
I don't dump and definitely ate way too many Halloween goodies. Even worse, I organize a huge potluck lunch at work for about 50 people. If you can name a food item, there was probably some at this potluck. Luckily, my pouch still tells me when I'm full, so I didn't eat too much in terms of quantity, but pizza is almost never the right choice.
I'm mostly back on track today. Had some chili and salad for lunch, and went for a walk at lunch time. But still managed to find a fun-size Snickers and Twix... I'm heading to the gym after work to burn off some of those excess calories I've consumed!!!!
Kathy, I'm late posting, not at work yesterday, but the candy called my name too
. I have done well with the chocolate (only 1 small reece and a couple of M&M) my problem is the tootie rolls (way to many).
Halloween is big in our subdivision, I bought 50 lbs of candy and every last piece was given out. They boys have there candy bags and I have them hidden out of my sight. As long as it isn't in front of me I'm ok, if I see it I have a hard time resisting it calling my name.