dental problems
Has anyone else experienced dental problems after surgury? I will be 4 years post-op in January. All of a sudden, after a check-up that showed nothing 6 months before, I have a mouth full of cavities. Since this is such a sudden change the dentist is wondering if it could be due to the surgury, maybe changes in the PH in my mouth or other changes within my body. Has anyone else experienced this or have you heard of this happening? At this point I am facing full upper dentures, Yuck.
Are you taking your vit and calcium ? My friends son had the same problem and lost ALL his teeth .. Yep , you guessed it . He didnt think he needed calcium and vits . He is only 33 and had beautiful teeth before surgery and only 1 cavity ( filling in his entire mouth) ..
He now knows how important all the vitamins and calcium are.
My teeth (lower) have turned an ugly, almost brown yellow. dentist says it is almost positively caused by the surgery. A week or so ago, I had oral surgery because of an abcessed tooth. The tooth and the two on either side were so bad, they couldn't do normal root canals but had to drill a hole thru my jawbone to get to the roots. If you see any of the Lexington pictures, that is mne with the big purple bruise on my chin and neck.
I've put THOUSANDS of dollars into repairing my teeth since surgery. I think I have only two teeth that haven't been touched. Not sure what has caused it but I really feel it is surgery related. I take my vitamins so can't really say that would be to blame.
Glad I found others that have experienced the same problem. I thought it was just me.
Yes, have most definitely heard of this happening. If you go to the Q&A Library, and put in the keyword "dental" I would bet you'll see a bunch of posts about this. I don't think anyone is really sure what causes this, as it happens to those who are very good with taking vitamins, as well as to those who aren't. Good luck with this.
(deactivated member)
on 11/6/06 5:03 am
on 11/6/06 5:03 am
I am 3.5 yrs out and so far just this year 4 root canals, 4 crowns, 10 cavaties, the year before this 2 crowns and 6 cavities my "old" dentist missed . Oh brother!! Got a new dentist too. I also brush and floss regulary , regular check ups every six months, I just don't know. When I switched dentist i was crying when I told her all I have been thru. All fixed now but we will see what the next check up brings in a few months, I feel my teeth starting to hurt again
I would like to hear too from anyone who had this problem

I have not noticed any dental problems yet. I wonder if this could have anything to do with it....I drink bottled water exclusively now. Could it be from lack of flouride in regular tap water??? I have recently started using a flouride treatment my dentist gave me while I'm bleaching my teeth. Something to ponder. Kim D.