anyone not feel like they look different??
Hi everyone! got a question. I am about 2 1/2 years out and i guess I am so used to my new size that I dont feel different anymore. I lost over 130 pounds and went from a size 26W to a ladies 8 slim... but lately i have been feeling like maybe I dont look different from before the surgery...
But when i look at my pictures I know i look different. I guess its just because I am used to what I look like... I think this is the same way we allow ourselves to get so big in the first place... we just get used to seeing ourselves and it came on so gradually that we THINK we look the same.
I told my 17 year old daughter that I thought my thighs were too fat. she looked me in the eye and asked if i was kidding! she said i was still too skinny. I have also had a few people i know say i was too skinny and say i need to put some meat on my bones...
so i guess what i am feeling is normal but just wanted to know if anyone else feels the same way
Yeah, I know what you mean. I know I look different since I'm wearing size 10s and the legs are getting a little loose. But, when I'm getting dressed and I'm sitting down, I see my thighs and how wide they are and I still think I look like that 273 lb. woman. Isn't that just crazy. And, when I have those little gas episodes and my belly is ballooned out, I feel like I'm still 273 lbs! So, I still kinda feel like that fat lady and when I look down at myself, I think I still look fat but when I look in the mirror I see something totally different.
I have so much extra skin to remove from my thighs and buttocks that when I sit down I spread out, so to speak. It makes me feel really fat. I know it's in my head, but I think after living as a "fat girl" for 22 years or so, it's hard to get the mental image in your head that you are now of a "normal" weight. I'm still not happy with my body. I hope after plastics, I will feel normal and more comfortable in my own skin.
I'm about 20 months out, and still to this day feel like I'm a wobbling 240 lb woman. I NEVER recognize myself when I'm out and about. There's been occasions where lurking in the shadows is an unsuspecting mirror image of me looking back at me. Often times I've scared and surprised myself when I finally realize it's ME!!!
I can't really be as BIG as my mind tries to convince me I am. I'm a size 5/6!!! I don't fit into MEDIUMS cuz they're just too big. But I still can't grasp the idea that I might be NORMAL???!!! I mean, logical thinking says size 7 is too big and "if you can walk in 4 in heels for 8 hrs, you can't be fat", but the mind! It's a wonderous thing! It's able to overcome all these factors that make sense and CONVINCE me that I'm still super duper chunky monkey.
Sometimes I find myself grimace when I feel hard bone on my body. It's gross because I've never actually felt bone before. My bones have always been covered with the fat. Now I look at my shoulder and think...ew! That's gross! How can someone fat see bone? On her shoulders, her wrists, her collarbone?
Maybe one day our minds will catch up.
My internal body image has been out of wack ever since I started losing. In my head, I still see and feel like a LARGE woman. In the mirror I don't recognize myself. I've only now started being comfortable with letting my husband take "candid" pictures of me and even with looking at the pictures, I THINK the camera angles must be distorted, because I DON'T FEEL LIKE I SHOULD LOOK LIKE THAT!!
Even when I'm folding clothes and I see my size 8 pants, they look so SMALL! I can't imagine I really fit into them.
I wonder if/when that will ever change?
like a previous post,,,,, when I am doing laundry,, my jeans look so small to me... but then I put them on, I think of how fat I am... what a crazy world!! I can only imagine what I will be thinking when I actually hit my goal,, which I just decided I am going to work my booty off til christmas,, I hope it works!! Also jsut a note,, my hubby had wls too.. He has some of the same mental issues.. so its not just a woman thing,, even though I seam to have these weird mental problems more frequently.. but we are not alone ladies!!