Lexington, Meeting Rich
I was outside the Raddison in my spider fairy costume having a cigarette and a homeless man with no legs or thighs wheeled up asking for two bucks. I had two twenties, so I gave him a handful of cigarettes out of my furry spider purse instead. Then the words I had no feet, then I met a man who had no legs went through my mind. I gave him a twenty.
On the way home I shared my plane seat with a very tall man who weighed a good 450 pounds. He was very personable and we were laughing and chatting. I told him where I had been. He told me of his secretary who had WLS and used to take cabs instead of the bus pre-op, because she was ridiculed so much. I explained that no one makes fun of a big man out of fear. He said recently after another employee left with his wife she told her co-workers the man's wife was the ugliest woman she had ever seen. She did not understand why he called her on it. He said he couldn't belve she could talk and feel that after where she had come from. I told him I was shocked by her attitude and behavior. I then told him the story of the homeless man. I further said I realized why the words I had no feet and then met a man who had no legs came to mind. When I was pre-op at 344 pounds I was basically off my feet. My poundage was my disability. I could relate to him, but by the grace of God I was able to have WLS. He replied I am going to tell my secretary that you were shocked by what she said and your story of the homeless man. I replied , you know, you learn something everyday. I held out my hand. He shook it and said, my name is Rich. This is what I brought back from the convention.
Love, Loris