more surgery for me! Long.
hi, well looks like i get to have more surgery. this is not GBS related but the surgeon who did mine will be assisting.. he is also a general surgeon and he has done so much for me surgery wise that I feel he knows the inside of my body the best so I am glad he will help.
I have had tons of surgeries... I have a genitic disorder called Neurofibromatosis. this causes tumors to grow on nerves and my spine. I have had over 20 surgeries... because of all the surgeries, I packed on the pounds after each one because I became less and less mobile. I even spent 6 months in a wheel chair! having GBS helped me shed those pounds and keep them off.
Last year my surgeon did a TT on me so my lower belly is/was nice and tight. well in the last 6 months i noticed there was a swelling on one side. in the past i have had large cysts grow in my pelvis but the last time the surgeon went in to remove the cyst. it has disapeared!! he thought it must have been filled with fluid and popped...
so i knew pretty much what was wrong and went to my surgeon with past medical reports and CT's showing there has been a cyst come and go. I also explained to him that I felt this was the cause of my bladder problems and bowel problems that have plagued me off and on for years...
SO. On November 15th I will have major surgery, maybe just as painful as my GBS.. my surgeon along with my OBGYN are going to work together. the obgyn will do a total hysterectomy and see if this cyst is attaced, if so she will remove it. if its not attached then my surgeon will step in and remove the cyst, then do some exploritory surgery to find out the cause of the cyst.
if he feels my body can stand it, he is going to go up under my ribs and remove the mesh he placed just last December for a rather large hernia. for some reason, there is a LOT of scar tissue and the area sticks out and is hard and painful. he said for some reason, the scar tissue is really thick, when he removed my gall bladder he said the tissue was the thickest he had ever seen.
anyway, i will be stuck in the hospital about a week then here at home for at least 6 weeks... and I wont feel like doing anything...
I am actually looking forward to this surgery though. I have has problems for so long with my bowels and bladder that finding out this cyst may be the cause and getting rid of it is a good thing. I am sure this site will be a place I visit often, just like I used to do.
thanks for reading my long winded post.
Best of luck with your upcoming surgery. I hope that all goes well and that it resolves your other issues. Sounds like you are in good hands.
I've heard of Neurofibromatosis. A former coworker's niece was born with it. I do not keep in touch with her anymore but I know they were monitoring her the tumors.
Take care, Kathy