5 years +

Vickie E.
on 10/24/06 3:07 pm - Tustin, CA
I would love to hear from anyone 5 years + that has been healthy and free of complications from surgery. I would like to know that down the road I have a chance of being free from complications. I know there are no guarantees, but so many post with health issues I find it troubling. Yes, I know that not having surgery is also dangerous, but I am still afraid. Any replies would be appreciated. Thank You, Vickie
(deactivated member)
on 10/24/06 10:54 pm - Hudson, FL
You can read up till your eyes cross and when it boils down to it,,your either jump right in or stare at the water....I had 2 small kids I was risking leaving, but I knew if I kept up my pace, I'd be the youngish woman at walmart on the scooter stocking up on Debbie cakes and ice cream. I wasn't living I was existing. Now I feel dynamite and my kids are excited to be able to hug me and not hug "at" me. If you research your surgeon and get the best your money can buy, that helps . Jump in .
Vickie E.
on 10/25/06 2:41 am - Tustin, CA
Hi Melanie, Vivid description, and I know your right. The surgerions I have to choose from are some of the best, so I am luck there. I remember the first time I jumped off the high dive, I was so scared. Wel,l after the first jump, I could not get enough. Thank You, for helping me remember. Vickie
~Donna~ V.
on 10/24/06 11:23 pm - Orlando, Fl
Hi Vickie, I will be 7 years out in December. If you would like to talk just email me.
Vickie E.
on 10/25/06 3:03 am - Tustin, CA
Wow Wow Wow Hi Donna, Congratulations on your success. Donna I looked at your profile, but you have not written any details. I would live to hear about your journey. I did not see an email add. Mine is [email protected] and any thing you might want to share would be appreciated. Thank You, Vickie
on 10/24/06 11:41 pm - Dallas, TX
Vickie, I will be five years out on November 29. As far as the surgery is concerned, I am totally complication free. I did have a hernia (which my internist told me I would have had no matter how I lost weight). My blood work has been textbook perfect from the beginning and remains so. I have borderline osteoporosis but I am 60 years old and have rheumatoid arthritis which can cause loss on bone density also. Other than my issues with pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia (neither having anything to do with WLS), I am healthy as a horse. I take my vitamins and calcium religiously and it has paid off evidently. I never reached "normal" on the BMI charts and have regained some, but I'm working on losing the regain - I won't make light of it - you have to watch your diet for ever - this is not a cure - regain is possible. Would I have the surgery again? You bet I would; in a heartbeat. I am healthier than I have been in my entire life. Patty Butler Open RNY 11/29/01
Pat Bell
on 10/25/06 12:59 am - Southeast, GA
You ask for 5 years out, but since you aren't getting a lot of response I thought I'd let you know how it is for me at 33 months out. BEFORE SURGERY 410 pounds, 5'6" unable to stand more than 3 minutes due to pain, taking 5 medications a day with blood work totally out of control. No quality of life. I went to work then home to rest up for the next day of work. Anything else just seemed like too much effort. I used only stores with electric carts. AFTER SURGERY 188 pounds, size 10 pants 14/16 tops. Work out once a day 45 minutes, often twice a day. Work in my yards for hours without taking a break. I take no prescription drugs and have fabulous blood work. Quality of life is fabulous, I am on the go non stop rarely going home before 8-9 PM. I am traveling a lot now days and having a ball. My WLS journey has been much easier than many peoples. I've thrown up twice in 33 months when I unthinkingly did something I was told not to do. At 60 my bone scan is better than it was prior to surgery and much better than most people my age. I have followed the doctors food/calcium/vitamin program with few exceptions. No complications of any kind. I think if you read the post you will find even with health issues popping up for some people that they still say the surgery is the best thing they could have done for themselves. I probably know 150+ wls patients from support groups, but I only know one person who wishes he had not had it done. I know the couple well (she had wls first), and feel he was pushed into it by his wife. He wants to be able to eat like he did before surgery, but that's not possible because his pouch limits the quantity. He blames a heart attack and neuropathy on his wls but the truth is he had been overweight and diabetic for years, plus he was 68 years old. Yes wls could have been a contibuting factor, but these things happen to non wls patients every day with his medical history. Diabetes leads to neuropathy and heart attacks. Of course it's easier to blame all the problems on wls and who am I to say it wasn't due to the surgery. This surgery isn't for sissies because you don't know going in what your experience will be. I don't think I would have had it for cosmetic reasons, but I'd reached a point that it was the only option for me. The surgery is a life long commitment so don't push yourself to make the decision too quickly. I found the live support groups helped me to make the decision. I was looking at the results and hearing the good, bad & ugly about the surgery. A couple of people told about a complication and almost death experience, then said but I'd do it all over in a minute given the same cir****tances. Being able to question them face to face made me more comfortable. On the other hand there were a 70-80 people telling me how uneventful their wls had been and how happy they were to have had the surgery. Best wishes in making the right decision for you.
Vickie E.
on 10/25/06 2:58 am - Tustin, CA
Hi Pat, Just let me say Thank You, for answering my question. You make so many valid points. This is exactly what I want to hear. I was a little worried because most of the Q & A's on the mainboard are from people that are newly post-op. I understand they are new and full of questions just like me. Hearing from more experienced patients is important to me. I need to know what the possibilities are years down the road. I take this surgery very seriously, I know Oprah thinks most people have it done like they clean their teeth, but not me (ridiculuos comment). I am working very hard on my emotional issues and looking for ways to feed my soul besides food. I find you all inspirational. Thank You again, and I wish you all good health. Vickie
on 10/25/06 1:54 am - Alpharetta, GA
You might also ask on the DS board - I know there are two there that are 5+ years out.....Amanda just hit 5 years, and Becky Jo is 15 or 16 years out. They are complication free, healthy & have been at goal for a long time. --BT
(deactivated member)
on 10/25/06 3:46 am - TX
Hi Vickie, I'm 3.5 years post Open RNY. I know you are wanting long-term post op responses but, I wanted you to know that there are a lot of success stories. I have been complication-free from the very beginning. I had almost no pain with the wls. I was what is considered a "lightweight" in that I "only" had 120 lbs. to lose. I've hit my goal and maintained it without much problem. I still have had no complications whatsoever. The only time I was beginning to have pains that could not be identified is when I got off my vitamins for a few months - don't do that! Vitamins are a very important part of your life after wls. One of the other posters mentioned finding the right surgeon. Do a lot, A LOT, of research before making your choice. Call the AMA, call any association the doctor is affiliated with, call your local medical association and, everyone you call - ask them who else you can call to find out about your surgeon and her record. It's very, very important. I did tons of research - mainly because I was going out of the country for self-pay. If my insurance had paid for one of the local surgeons here, I probably wouldn't have asked a single question. Turns out, the guy was run out of town because of so many problems even though he was telling prospective patients that he had nothing but success stories. He also told me, in person, that he has only lost one patient due to death. I later found out that this was grossly untrue. So, again, do your research. It's your life! If you have questions, don't hesitate to email. [email protected] My best to you, Paula
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