The Oprah Show
I want to express my delight and sadness for today's Oprah Show . If you did not see it , I was skeptical about how she was going to attack this subject . Well Done Oprah . It definatley addressed the issue of pre-counseling before this surgery . It also gave me and insight to some things that I am going through . While we are skinnier .. and our lives do change , it does not change the pain that some of us feel or deal with pre-surgery . This surgery is not the magic tool . It is only the means ... we have to make the ends .
I am sad for the woman and men that where suffering before surgery , suffering and in pain and are now dealing with it all , and handling it via there addictions . Some where not addicts before surgery , but are dealing with pain .. pain from abuse , both sexual , physical and mental .. and turn to alcohol or other addictions to subdue the pain .
I totally agree that there needs to be more indepth probing when Pre-ops go for their evals to get the surgery. I know personally that people get in there and tell lies .. hide their pains .. and get the surgery and end up abusing other substances or sex addicts . This needs to stop . And it seems that according to Oprah , the ASBS says that 30 % of all Gastric Bypass patients end up in some sort of addiction . OK .. now what are they going to do with this data . I truly feel that surgeons that perform this need to do more insights into their patients . I have way to many friends right now going thru this .. and it hurts to see it .. So no WLS does not cause the addictions .. it merely gives us yet another means to go deeper into ourselves .
I hope that pre-ops watching it gained what I did .. and while WLS is now like going to the dentist .. with no preparation , maybe the ones here that are longer out , can heed the message to them .. this is not the answer to happiness .. it is the answer to gaining your health back .. but not the answer to all of your problems .
Seeing Carni Wilson and hearing her story was awesome . IT can happen to the best of them .. she is now a recovering alcoholic ... and dealing with her pain . I appreciated her story .
I say now to those suffering , if you love yourself .. and are struggling with addictions , there is help for you . If you are in pain from emotional issues , tell someone .. talk to someone .. do not go it alone .. there is help ...
Much Love ,
Hi Natalie! I agree with you~the show was handled very well and I gained some insight into others struggles by watching it. I have to admit that during my psych eval I didn't disclose everything~he tried to get me to "crack" but I hung in tough and wouldn't give in. There have been times when I've missed having my good old friend food to turn to in times of trouble and I now realize that I am an emotional eater~I'm currently working on that. I can see how easy it is for some to turn to another addicition to hide the pain~that saddens me. I don't know if most surgeons can move past the technical aspects of wls and move into more of the emotional side of wls surgery~it will be interesting to see if things change in the future or not. I also feel if you're suffering, please talk to someone~family, friends, here at OH, a professional~but don't suffer in silence and don't feel alone!
Tracy B
The Oprah show just aired here and I was pleased with the way everything was handled. Too bad many of us want this surgery so desprately that we will "pass the head eval" with flying colors because we have learned to "play the game". It's shameful, but I am one of these.......I have been to classes and read so much about dealing with your emotions that I could probably write a book on the subject! Too bad I can't seem to get everything under control with all the knowledge I've learned. The pain of past hurts is so great, and even though my life today is the best it has ever been, I'm haunted by past emotions that never seem to go away.
As the old saying goes, I'm still work in progress, even at 55.
at my initial consult my surgeon asked me if i had ever been abused, of course I denied, denied, denied. I was willing to admit to the emotional eating to cope, but not to having been abused. i was worried it would affect my being able to have surgery. even at my last preop visit, when I had all my testing I was asked again by the internist, denial across the board. would it have affected my ability to have surgery? I dont know. But I have had to address it now. it always comes back to bite yo in the butt when you hide yor issues and it bit hard. I have had therapy and while I am far from sane the nuts upstairs are in a little better order.
There was a lotta good, bad, ugly and TRUE about today's show. I like Oprah, always have, always will. She's survived a lotta obstacles in life, including obesity - kudos t0 her. That being said, I hate that they sensationalize the LOWER ratio's and don't focus on the positives. They say that 30% of WLS patients turn their food addictions into other addictions - ie, shopping, drinking, sex, smoking,drugs, etc.
So, can we talk about the majority for a change, the 70+% that turn it ALL around for the good? Nah, we can't the people that pay the bills want to sensationalize the ratings, they don't want the positives, it's all about the drama.
I think what's missing in this entire dialog? We're blaming "weight loss surgery" ..instead, we need to focus on the person, what's inside their HEADS, what type of therapy if any, they've had since losing all the weight. It's not WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY, thats causing it, it's coming into your own... losing the weight (however you do it) and learning to live with yourself, minus all the layers of protection.
[once again, let me say, regardless of how you shed those walls - dealing with the new you can be a challenge - can we get the label OFF of "weight loss surgery" puh'leaze! Ownership!!!!! :)]
Here is a post I sent to TEKs board this morning - referencing OPRAH and the respect I have for her. Love da't woman! :)
I don't agree with everything he says, but I love that he stirs up the hamsters in my brain and makes me THINK!!!
Today at 05:34 AM
I have a LOT of respect for Oprah - she's overcome quite a few obstacles in life, whether we like to admit it or not - obesity, can and does hold people back in the work industry - couple that with the fact that she's a WOMAN? [gasp] oh the horror and thirdly (and please, people don't see this as a racist comment, just a fact of the place and time we live in) ..but thirdly, she's African American. It's absolutely taboo, in this time and age, to "think" much less admit, those three points could be viewed as deterrents, but NOT wanting to think about it or admit it, doesn't mean it's not so.
She's come a LONG way babeeeeeeeeeee and I really enjoy a LOT of what she has to say and offer. Does that mean I agree with EVERYTHING she says? Nah. Hell, I don't even agree with everything *I* say or do, lol, BUT, I think as a whole - OPRAH tips the scales towards positive vs negative. The fact that she doesn't believe in WLS, as a weight loss option, doesn't phase me either way.
AS YOU YOURSELF STATED and I SO AGREE with you - a celebrity is not going to make me choose something or steer clear of it. They might (like Carnie did) tap into my curiosity, make me ask questions, research, look into options, etc - but Carnie is not the one that got me up on the OR table and Oprah would not be able to get me OFF of it - it's all about Leilani and what's right for me.
btw - I've already earmarked that show, can't wait to see it. Unfortunately, I do see a lot of "food addictions" being replaced by pill-popping addictions and alcohol abuse with some longer term post ops. Not sure that I believe it's the norm, or even 50% of the norm - nah, it's probably more about the sensationalism and ratings. To report that everything is wunnerful after WLS would not garner NEARLY the ratings as to say.... lose the weight and become a Sex Addict, Alky' Addict, etc.
Not sure if any of my thoughts make sense, not enough coffee this morning and I really should NOT be posting on ANY boards this early.
"The deadline for complaints was yesterday, move along!"
"Careful, the toes you step on today could be connected to the butt you kiss tomorrow"
LOL - I just noticed our new MB Pic. Good grief, not only do you do CHRISTMAS COUNT DOWNS 9 months in advance, but you change to SammyClause Smileys 3 months in advance too - stop that!!!!!!
btw - no sex for me for six months, hubby is out defending our country - so tell that man of your's I want a six month supply, please.
Uh, supply of fudge, of course.

I didn'****ch the show but have it taped to watch later. I did want to address a couple of points in your post. I think most WLS patients are addicted to food prior to surgery so it's natural when that tool is taken away that the addiction be moved to some other form of addiction.
Carni Wilson's dad was addicted to alcohol and drugs so she has the genes to form addicitons. I've read her story and know she used food to fill the emotional needs so when that tool was taken away it's natural that she'd transfer the addiction. I saw her on the View recently and she referred to the emotional eating and said it was still a problem for her.
WLS patients are like the rest of the population, some are more stable than others. We don't know going in what our journey will be like, but if we face each day with determination and willingness to meet the challenges it will all work out.
I agree that Oprah handled the topic very well. I, too, was concerned but found that I actually learned something about myself! I wholeheartedly agree that the show focused on the 30% that may have addiction problems post-op, but didn't draw attention to those of us who are healthy and happy because of WLS.
Kudos to Oprah for drawing attention to the problems some people have after such a drastic change!

I wish that I had seen that show. I agree with the fact that food was an addiction for me, and after I had the surgery and went through stressful, tragic times that it lead me to a different addiction which was alcohol. However I will admit that at the time that I had the surgery, I probably would of said or done anything to lead the doctor to believe that I did not have any emotional problems or addictive behavior, because I wanted the surgery so bad. I thought it would make life so much better, and even though it has drastictly improved my health, it opened the door to another health problem, alcoholism. I agree that we do need to talk things out and try to get help with issues that make us find someway to drown them, but I have a hard time with that. I tend to hold it all inside, and even though I haven't drank in over 3 months, I still find myself depressed and I don't know why. WLS was one of the best things I've ever done, except have my four beautiful kids, and one grandson, but it is still a struggle everyday. I agree with Natalie, if any of us are dealing with emotional issues, talk to someone, I need to heed my own advice. Thanks for letting me know about the show, I'm going see if I can get a copy of it somewhere, it would be good to hear some of the issues other WLS patients have had. Jen