Dinner plans in LEXINGTON!
Hello ya'll -
Below is a PORTION of a post I just sent to the Va-Board, in reference to the Kentucky convention and trying to meet up for dinner. I know some of the grads (glancin' at DeeDee and Delores, specifically, lol) have mentioned getting together and "where to?" ......below were some of my suggestions. I havent a clue if others already have things planned (pout) and didn't invite me! ...but, if you're free and trying to find a place to go/hook up, maybe these will work.
If you have any other ideas/suggestions, please share!
- Lei
:::::::::: CUT AND PASTE FROM VA BOARD ::::::::::::
I was going to send Natalie and Patty an email today about a few restaurant options for Thursday night. I have a good friend that lives in Kentucky and he said we'd be absolutely SILLY to come all the way to 'Tucky and NOT try the "ASIAN WIND" (Chinese restaurant) which is about 4 or 5 miles from the Radisson. That might be a good one to explore our first night there? I think that's when we'll ALL have the "most time on our hands" as a group. I couldnt find an actual site for them, but I found many many write ups (Reviews) and all were powerful. Here's one - a quick google should get you more. I wanna meet "HARRISON"!! I think we'll have enough cars, between us, to get the VA-group out there. Anyone interested in dinner, let's say at 6:30 ....here?
It'll be HARD to leave the hotel on Friday for a meal, since there is only a 2 hour break, between the breakout sessions and the costume party. Assuming that's the case, then the hotel restaurant might be the best choice for Friday night? It also comes with great reviews, so I'm more then gamed if others want to join. The name of it is, Cafe on the Park, and here is their link.
...and for Saturday night, maybe De Sha's? Another good friend in Lexington (Dana Barr, 6 years post op) highly recommended this place. She said it's within WALKING distance of our hotel. Havent a clue what it's going to be like trying to get a big group into ANY of these places (but specifically this one) so if people are interested in going, a reservation might be our best bet - since a few from the Grads board have also talked about a Saturday final dinner.
Okay - TADA, those are my suggestions!

Hello RUTHIE!!!!!!
I never know if any of my flippin' replies GO THRU to people (via emails) when Im replying to posts on a board. Ive sent out a few to you, on various boards, but like I said, it's always a hit and miss with the emails. A few months ago, I rec'd a really sweet email from a R. Shealy (about my final entry in my profile) and although I couldnt find a profile I really thought it was YOU.
...or at least I hope it was, or that poor person I replied to is gonna think Im awfully FRIENDLY towards complete strangers. My email has been all messed up and I don't even know if that one got to her/him/them, you? LOL.
Anyway - it's not to late to make a road trip to Lexie? Or better yet, as close as we live to each other, meet halfway in North Carolina somewhere?
I want to do a LOT of trips over the next six months - hopefully, most are ROAD trips, because we're moving next summer and heading back West. Figure I should maximize my East Coast time while I can.
If we can't work it out over the winter months, maybe in the spring?
Hugs - Lei

Thank you Lei!!!
YaY Cool, I wanted to know what the plans were for dinner on Fri and Sat nite. You can count me in on those days..wherever y'all go.. I'm with and like it or not y'all's stuck with me! Thursday night I'm staying about an hour away with friends.. I can't afford the hotel everynight.. just be happy
that I will be there!
and give me food! See ya on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now pray my infected poisen ivy'd kid dont share with me..

Ummmmmmmmmm - I hear the best thing for poison ivy is full body wear. No seriously, how does he look in dark shades of green? Grabbin' some trash bags to bring with me, gonna cover him right up! I have NEVER had poison IVY and Im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OKAY with keeping it that way.
I got you down for the dinner on Saturday, as you saw by my reply on the VA Board, the Friday night shouldnt require reservations - figure the break out sessions are over at 5:00 we can just walk up to the restaurant from there, plop down and order.
See you SOON!
I'm not bringing him... let him sit home in his trash bags..
And he does look pretty good in green as his eyes are a beautiful green already
boys got gorgeous eyes. I haven't had poisen ivy for years.. and no fun. But I itched last night just because he was itching
took a nerve pill, zonked out, woke up fine..
I don't need to be red & itchin in Lexington!
plop down, order and good to go.. then we can rush up and change for the party!

Hello Deeeeeeeeeeeee Deeeeeeeee!!
Yep, that's what I'll be calling you the entire time. LOL, your fault, of course.
Hey? I just sent you a reply to the "message" thingie they now have on our profiles. I got your message and HOPE I replied to it correctly - if not, hollar back at me, because I included my CELL number in it. Hmmmm, and if you don't get it, I have to wonder who I did send my cell number too?
I am SO ready for some Bourbon fudge, wonder how I can delete that portion from your reply to the board, that way NO one knows about it and I don't have to share!!!!! Yes yes, I realize, not sharing and hording my food is prolly what made me SMO, yer point?
Tell your hubby, I love him already, havent even met the man but any guy willing to drive 60 miles to shut a buncha' gals up with FUDGE no less? Well, he's damn near perfect in my book!
Do ya'll like RUM CAKE? I picked up some while I was in the Bahamas (Tortuga Carribean Rum Cake, no less!!) and would be happy to bring some for you two. The least i can do to get my grubby paws on a piece of bourbon fudge!!
Hugs - Lei

Consider it packed - I have two miniature rum cakes left (sigh, a week ago, I had six of the suckers, don't ask) ...they are pineapple and coconut flavored, I'll let you and Delores choose your poison, er, flavor! They're officially GONE and you two own 'em.
Fair warning - those Caribbean' peeps? Are NOT afraid to add the rum to the cake AFTER it's baked, so you might feel a wee bit...er.... light on your feet?