I need to get a grip - help!
Hello Everyone. I have gained some weight and very upset about it. Now I am trying to go back to basics. I initially lost 120 lbs from 340 - never met my personal goal nor my doctor's goal for me. I feel awful and ashamed because I know better. Anyway, I notice with this weight gain I feel every extra pound as if my body knows now that it should not be there. When I was 340 I new I was way over the top and needed to get rid of the pounds that I carried but it never occurred to me that I was carrying and additional 200 pounds behind me until the doctor said it and all the medical issue I was starting to incur. I believe I had mentally conditioned myself to this is how I was suppose to feel (tired, worn out, sluggish, etc...) because I had carried the extra weight for so long. Now, 3 years post op my body sends signals of what it like and does not like and they are very clear. I thought that I had ruined or sabotage my surgery (unintentionally) because I felt like I was not in control of what is going on with me(weight gain). Due to the fact that I do still go through spells of dumping I now know that I can get a grip of this wonderful tool I have been blessed with and regain control. Any advice fpr getting back on track would be greatly appreciated. I have intentionally not seen my doctor in a while because I feel like ashamed of what I have done. I have put back on 15 lbs and not sure how to deal with it.
The way I do it is.... If I start to feel out of control I will go buy a bag of SF licorice and that will usually cause me severe stomach pains for about 2-3 hours. This is when I remember why i did what I did and what pain and courage it took to get where I am now. But I am any where from 10-20lbs from goal depending on the time of the month. So don't let numbers get you down. Just do it to feel good!
This is the third post in three days about this subject - I have to wonder if it's something to do with the season (like Hallowe'en candy).
Look back to a post on the 18th - http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/wls_grads/postdetail/25860.html?vc=0 - she was given some good advice.
Hey Michelle!
Okay so let's look at some facts here:
You started @ 340. You lost 120. You've gained 15.
You have a net loss of 105 lb.
That's 105 pounds you could have re-gained if you CHOSE to.
You've successfully kept 105 pounds OFF.
You've kept 105 pounds off!
You've kept 105 pounds off! (Success bears repeating!)
Look, Michelle. I know you're feeling "guilty" that you've not lost "all you think/doc thinks" you "should". The FACT remains is you've given yourself a GIFT of having lost over 100 lb.
"She" is healthier! (guaranteed) "She" is happier that you kept the 100 off!
You say you can feel the effect of the 15 regained. How AWESOME that you're "LISTENING" to your body! (her
) Michelle, you're CHOOSING to listen!
You have CHOSEN to keep the 105 off. WOO HOO!
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of celebrating your accomplishment(s). We all too often beat ourselves up - focusing on the "failure" - side of us. That's the "stinkin' thinkin' " that we MUST become aware of - and then CHOOSE to refuse to participate in!
We'd become FURIOUS if we heard someone cut down / abuse / harshly criticize "someone we love"... right? Learn to give yourself a little love - celebrate how amazing you are! Are you a woman of integrity? Kindness? Value?
Michelle, you're a gift! You deserve to treat yourself that way. The rest will follow.
By the way - I work DAILY - sometimes moment-by-moment trying/striving to re-train my brain! I worked HARD - over 30 years - at "beating myself up" - it's not gonna be an overnight change - but the JOURNEY is amazing!
You can do it! You already are...
I'm proud of you.

Sherry K.
on 10/23/06 6:27 am - Blooming Glen, PA
on 10/23/06 6:27 am - Blooming Glen, PA
This is one of the best posts I've ever read. Thanks so much for your positive thinking!
Back to basics for me means I eat as my surgeon instructed after surgery, eat all your protein, followed by veggies, followed by fruit:
4 oz protein If not full at this point
1 cup Veggies If still not full
It seems the basics still work no matter how far out from surgery we happen to be. I agree with another poster that we need to celebrate the fact that you're still down 105 pounds, but like you I think we know when it's time to get a grip and stop any further regain.
Best wishes for your continued success on your wls journey. This is a journey we will be on as long as we live. We take some detours along the way but as long as we get back on the right path we're fine.
I am four years out, and I started to regain weight as well. I initially lost 105, and gained back 20. Well, in the last six weeks, I started to RELIGIOUSLY exercise. I go everyday. It only takes 30-60 minutes a day of my time, and I have already lost the 20 that creeped up on me. At this rate, I should be to my goal (which I never thought I'd hit...even before the surgery) within 4-6 months. I would highly suggest that you incorporate exercise within your routine. I know its hard, but only in the beginning. You did great to lose what you did, but now that it is easier, I encourage you to workout regularly, And incorporate dietary changes as much as you can. I know I can eat pretty much what I want, just as not as much, but I TRY (hear me now I TRY) to stay away from those foods that got me to 383 lbs in the first place) When I eat them, I eat small amounts, but bigger amounts of fruits, vegatables, and good proteins. Good luck, and don't feel too bad about gaining some back. Some of us are in the same boat as you. We all have to keep trying!