Poll on pain tolerance....
This is for anyone who has had their tubes tied and/or gallbladder surgery. How was the pain? i know everyone has a different pain tolerance but generally speaking how did you do with the pain. it looks like i might be having both done soon and i want to know what to expect. i've heard from my friends that they are both aweful but i have a high pain tolerance. after my rny i didn't take any pain meds once i left the hospital..same with my leg surgeries. i'm still curious though...
I have a fiarly high pain tolerance.
I had a lap choly (gallbladder) surgery October 2005 on a Friday a few months after WLS. I had the surgery and tolerated the anesthesia like nothing compared to my two previous surgeries (back surgery and WLS). Surgeon told me with the lesser weight... less fat to trap the anesthesia so that is why I did so much better.
About 30-45 min after hitting the recovery room, I was sitting up and cross legged and asked when I could go home. Since I was doing so well, surgeon said I could go home in 3 hours. The nurses in recovery were great. Found me a recliner and a TV in the corner of the room where they make up the beds/stretchers. Hubby and I sat and watched TV til it was time to go. I had all my monitors and IVs. On the way home, I was starving so we stopped at a local restaurant. I just asked for broth from their soup since I was told to eat very light for the day or so. Next day I went to a birthday party for a 2 year old for an hour or so. I was tired but fine. I went back to work Monday morning bright and early. Again... a little tired but just fine.
And I didn't take any pain meds. Never filled the prescription.
I had my tubes tied at the same time I had a cervical conization (they removed a portion of my cervix due to cancer.) I have a VERY high pain tolerance and I was in the dirt for at least 3 days - drugged in a stupor... I can't be sure which it was that caused the pain, but it seemed to be too high up to have been from the conization, I'm pretty sure it was my tubes, although I had always heard it wasn't that bad.
In contrast, after my Lap RNY, I was walking close to 5 miles a day by the time I was 5 days out - about 1.3 miles at a time, 3 times a day. I was ready to go to work in a week...
I have had my tubes tied, my gall bladder out, lap rny, and plastics done. I did not take the pain meds with any of those surgeries except the tummy tuck and breast surgery. And I only took pain meds for a day with that. Then it was tylenol for the rest of the recovery. I don't like pain meds. I have a high pain tolerance and would rather hurt a little more and just take plain ole tylenol than feel the way pain meds make me feel. You should do fine if you didn't take pain meds after your rny. The gall bladder and tubal will seem like a breeze.
Gallbladder wasn't that bad. I actually took just tylenol instead of the Percocets. I was shopping 2 days later... As for tubes tied, haven'r had that done and probally won't because I may need either a uterine ablation or a hysterectomy in my near future.
I have a medium tolerance for pain. I'm not a baby about it, but I'll let you know if it hurts.
I had the gallbladder removed during the RNY, so I really couldn't describe the pain of that. I had the tubal done when I gave birth to my daughter. I didn't really feel pain for the tubal, it was mostly just a discomfort/tugging sensation at the umbilicus where the surgery was done laparoscopically(sp). I also did some oopsies that I shouldn't have, though. Rather than moving the baby gate that was up for older two children, I would just lift my leg and climb overit. Doc just laughed and told me I "deserved" the discomfort since I didn't comply with my discharge orders. I have a higher pain tolerance than some, though. I was the silly pregnant woman who didn't want pain meds during labor because I only felt the pain during the peak of contractions....which were every 2 minutes for about 12 hours!!!
Hi Steph...I had my gallbladder out during my RNY. My surgeon didn't ask if I wanted it out, just told me it was going since most who have RNY have problems with gallbladder soon after. It never dawned on me to ask why but I trusted he knew best and glad I didn't fight it. I didn't take any meds after first day in hospital so I would say no real pain. I was sore in my side and around back but not bad enough to take anything at all.
As for tiubes being tied, I did that after 2 miscarriages back in 1983 (33 yrs old) not one bit of pain.I went back to work the next day in high heels. I remember this so
well because 3 months later I was rushed into surgery for endometriosis and a cyst on one ovary and the incision hurt me for 22 yrs. I remember that pain like it was yesterday. When I had my tummy tuck my PS must have yanked out all the ahesions and I haven't had pain there since. So I think you are one tough cookie and can handle these two procedures without a problem. I bet your knee will have hurt more than these two.
Sending you some comfort huggles sweetie!
Hey Stephanie,
This is going to sound kind of wierd....I was out of the hospital the next day after RNY. Was walking .5 mile the day after that. Used pain meds for the first day and no more after that.
Had OPEN gallbladder about 15 years ago, just before lap. Have an incision that was 13 inches long. Hmmm, a bit more pain, but was off pain meds the day I was released from hospital (day 5).
Now along comes GOUT 4 mo after RNY. Knocked me on my freaking butt! I went through so much vicodin it wasn't funny. So I guess the moral is....who knows. I recently had my lips tattooed so that it looks like I'm always wearing lipstick. Got to tell ya, that hurt, but wasn't unbearable. Gout is really the only thing that dibilitated me.
Going for plastics in the spring.....ask me again later

Hey stranger!
I'm going for plastics in a few weeks and let me tell ya, I'm skeered!
I know it's gonna hurt and I'm ready for that, but man, I hope I don't spend a week in la-la land like I did with my tubal/coniziation... That was for the birds... I'm having a TT and BA, so will be pretty much unable to do jack for a couple of weeks but once I'm able to wiggle my pinkie and sit up for more than 2 minutes, I'll let you know how it went...