Orlando/Tampa get together

Had problems sleeping last night so I wake up and surf the net and watch stuff I have tivo'd. Now an efficient person would wake up and do laundry or clean house--not ME!
No cruise for me yet--trying to sqeeze a last minute one in after the first of the year.
Last time we did 4 days in a row of theme parks I was pretty slow moving on the 4th day. We are gonna have to study our agenda and see if we can build in something of a break--maybe it will be warm enough for a water park (it was 92 today)--that's relaxing right? Way too many things to do and not enough time. I am really psyched. My daughter is gonna try and at least do Busch Gardens with us. She is a total adrenaline junkie! She takes after her father in that regard. I do love the rush of rides though--just hate heights and you won't find me on any slow moving think ferris wheel rides.
I'm gonna post on the FL board too--but not many people are as lucky as we are to be "ladies of leisure".
OK you two now I'm really jealous....
Florida and the sun......
It's (in Joann's words) friggin freezing here today... The sun's shinning but it's only 50 degrees I suppose I should be glad no snow!!!! but I'm sure it'll be here soon enough
I know you'll both have a great time enjoy the sun ladies....
I will only be 2 weeks post BL/aug & brachiolpasty, but I'd love to come visit with you gals. Let me know what your plans are I'll see if I can tie something in to a visit to Dr. S. for follow-up since that puts me in south FL and I ususally fly thru Orlando anyway. Maybe we could meet for lunch at the airport or something. I'd love to meet Lelani & see you again.
Vickie J
Gosh Vickie--You go girl! Will I even recognize you after everything? I really hope you will be able to meet up with us. We really have to study our plans since we have very little time to do so much. Do you think Monday night in Orlando would work for you? If not that--what about Thursday in Tampa--can you fly through Tampa?
Let me know what your thoughts are. You must be back from NC--hope all is well. Gonna send you a seperate mail
I won't know about my follow-up appt. till after my surgery but I'll see if it works to schedule a follow up visit on Monday 11/13. There are no flights between Ft. Lauderdale & Tampa so Thurs. in Tampa probably won't work for me.
Will ya'll be staying in Orlando on Monday night? I might could book my flights (if it works with Dr. S.) so that I could fly into Orlando about supper time Monday evening, spend the night and fly to Tally on Tues - maybe late afternoon or early evening. Depending on what you guys are planning to do Tues maybe I could tag along. I know I won't be able to do a water park, but could probably do something else for at least part of the day if you can get me back to the Orlando airport.
Once you know your plans and I've had my surgery I'll be able to see if we can work this out.
Take care!!
Vickie J.
Pat--Sorry about the change in dates. When we found out that Charlie was not gonna be able to join us Lei and I figured we might as well try the get together mid-week. My husband is always away during the week so it is easier for me to do things during the week. Really hope we can meet up another time.