Bad News...Anyone have this???
Bad news, I have to have surgery on Nov 15th for 1st, a hernia or adhesions causing an obstruction, and 2ndly an enlarged bile duct, which they think might have a stone blocking, so that is double bad news for me. I am sooo upset and I just can't believe it. The doctor said it is common, but I just hate that it was one of the side effects from my gastric bypass that I had.
On another topic....same time....
My liver enzymes have been very much elevated, so that must be the blockage in my bile duct, so at least that will be taken care of too, but he will have to make an incision in my old stomach to have the Dr. put a scope in to view the bile duct, and then the lap hernia exploratory is 2nd to that surgery. I am going to have 2 separate surgeons combined with one surgery. What a pain!! I am just so upset, I was looking forward to my plastic surgery in December, so not really wanting to deal with this right now, especially right before the holidays. I am not even sure I can proceed with my plastic surgery for the removal of the excess skin now, so I am just going to have to wait and see.
I am praying God will heal me and I won't have to have this done, so please pray and stand with me on this so that no more surgeries!! unless its plastics!!
God Bless and thanks for your prayers in advance!!
Love you all very much!!!

Hey Debra, Sorry to here about your complications but we will be praying that everything will work out according to Gods Plan. You mentioned plastic surgery, I was just curious, if you are planning a tummy tuck or such, somtimes while having a hernia operation the surgeon will do it while the hernia op is being done also. I was looking at your pictures and it does not look like you need any kind of plastic surgery. You really do look remarkable. God is good, Hang in there and may God Grant you all your needs in life. a WLS friend Bruce
I just had PS on 9/25 and I coordinated the PS (breast reduction, breast lift, and panni removal) with my WLS surgeon for a large ventral hernia repair. My WLS and PS were happy to do the surgeries at the same time and I am doing fantastic! Last spring I discovered that I had the hernia (but did not realize it was so large though) and found out that I had a ovarian cyst in my right ovary. In June I saw the PS and he was willing to have my GYN also remove the cyst if it had to come out. Fortunately Imy GYN said the cyst was not a concern as long as it was not causing me pain and I had blood tests to show it was benign. My question is could your surgeons think about doing the hernia repair and lap scope at the same time you would be having your PS. Please explore this option for yourself. These doctors need to work with you and help you be healthier.
Good luck.
Monica, healthier, happier, sexier, and so thankful
age 59--330/174/160?
There is information on my profile regarding internal hernias and adhesions. I had an internal hernia that was incarcerated in peterson's space and a large mass of scar tissues (adhesion) causing problems and pain. It took exploratory surgery to find the problem.
Another poster mentioned trying to connect your PS with this surgery but I don't believe that possible b/c it is an internal hernia which is different from hernias that have broken through the abdominal wall and are protruding out.
There is also currently a post on the main board entitled, "Peterson's Hernia?"
There is more information there as well!
I hope this helps!
Thanks so much for the great support and posts. Vanessa, I read your profile, it helped a lot.
Yes, I knew that an internal hernia is different, but you would be surprised how many have suggested to have the 2 surgeries combined with plastics LOL
I WI**** were that type of hernia.
I really do appreciate all the help and info!! I am glad they found it now rather than in an emergent situation.
Thanks again!

Hey Sweetie, sorry I missed you last night. I didn't get on until late as I was canning 2 bushels of tomatillos that I had made into Salsa Verde. I can hardly wait for a freeze to KILL this garden. I picked 40 lbs of tomatoes on Sunday that I will make into salsa this comming Sunday. Urrggggg, calgon, take me away!!!
You surely have my prayers .. and I know what you are about to go through . I too suffer the same thing , minus the blockage . I can not get it taken care of right now due to the fact I have an extremly large tumor on my adrenal gland that is growing pretty fast .. so once that is out .. I plan on having my TT along with the hernia repair and all the other adhesion stuff they have to do .. so I know sweety I know .
Keep the faith .. We know God heals .. and will bless you ..
Please keep me posted .