Wooey.. I am so excited!
ONE WEEK and I'll be in Kentucky!! hanging with friends from the singles board on Thursday,
then up early to head to the OH.com conference in Lexington! I'm staying through the entire weekend, heading home on Monday. I hate the leaving part! It's going to be great to meet and hug the people I've become friends with here onsite for so long.
If you've never been to an OH.com conference, ya should! So much info so many great people, so much of everything! It's our group get together's multiplied!
If you've thought about coming.. c'mon! I can't wait to see y'all who will be there!
love & hugs, Vickie

ahh me too on the budget thing. I am staying with post-op friends in Alexandria on Thursday night, sharing a room with a friend at the hotel on Friday.. Sat night I just know I'm staying in KY somewhere.. whether it be at another hotel or at a friends home, or in my van! LOL I don't have to be back to work till Tuesday.. so I'm going to enjoy the best I can with my limited budget.
I have a hotel reservation but I'm a bit uncomfortable ya know about sharing a room with someone I do not know at all if that makes sense so I didn't want to advertise for a roomie plus I'm only there Thursday and Friday night. I fly out early Saturday. We have a chili party and then a wedding to attend later Saturday.
I hear ya on that Kathy, but I think I'll be ok with Michelle in a room for 1 night. I just cannot afford to get myself a room there @120 a night all by myself. I really MUST email her too, make sure nothing has changed or I'll be sleeping in my van that night too
going to do that now!
hugsssssss coming to ya real and in person in 1 week!

Hey Kathy -
Just saw this exchange and thought I'd toss something out at you. It sounds like you have not actually REGISTERED for the event yet? If that is the case, hollar at me, I rec'd an email yesterday from Monica Ganz, offering a DISCOUNT to any friends, etc, that signed up for the event - as long as it's attached to an already PAID existing member (ie. me)
Anyway - if you're interested in saving HALF the price of the 2 day convention (I think it's being offered at $40 or $45 for both days) hollar at me and I'll send the email to you with the complete directions.
Oh, and let me know what email address to send it too.