Thursday: Check-In: What Are You Eating?

Kathy & Rich
on 10/19/06 11:11 pm - Fairfax, VA
Just take it one meal or even one bite at a time. I do know folks that have physiological issues after surgery and also psychological issues. One gal I know has become anorexic/bulemic. One man at my support group at 7 months post-op still eats only 1 oz of meat at a sitting. He is afraid of stretching his pouch. Alot of issues can com along with this surgery. The fear of eating too much. The fear of regain. The fear of foods sitting well. The fear of getting ill. I think having to focus on each and every bite in such detail early leaves room for obsession, ya know? For me, I didn't want to eat early on - no appetite but I ate because I knew I had to. I ate based on the clock. In fact, I still do at 17 months post-op. At a minimum, if you can get a couple of protein shakes in - that would help keep your strength. I'm worried about ya. Then get the food//solids going slowly. Hugs to ya, Kathy
Karyn B
on 10/19/06 11:33 pm - Chicago, IL
thanks so much Kathy ... I think that my main issue is fear of gain. I did gain ... 20 pounds between my 15th and 25th months post-op ... freaked me out. I mean, what do you do if surgery doesn't work? I've seen many people gain some or even most of their weight back. Had I not gone back for my 2 year labs (which I was going to blow off), would I have gained 70 or 80 by now? I think that, topped with the physical (yeah, my gallbladder "should" come out, I'm battling hypoglycemia--at least that's what we think at the moment), and I feel like a wind-up toy that just keeps running into the wall. Thanks for the encouragement ... I have tried setting my Outlook alarm to remind me to eat ... but that snooze button is too convenient. I'll get there ... Karyn
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