FIRST....Nannette....absolutely mean of her .....but how great of an achievement to be called that!!! That is so funny!!! Thanks for sharing it with us!!! I was laughing so hard!!!
Shadoe Gray- CONSTIPATION....and anyone else who might be experiencing this.....and what worked for me and what my doctor did for me that salads and fiber wouldn't do and I stayed miserable until even OTC laxatives (not good for you either to be dependant on) didn't work....She Rx'd this GUNK called LACTULOSE. I took 30mls 2 times a day regularly and soon it worked and my body became regular and I was weened off of it and now I am ok. *smile*
Tinkerbell- DIGESTION w/ Meats.....I too go through this from time to time being 5 years out! Weirdness I think too. Anyhow.....I find it strange but there are 2 things that help....I am not chewing my meat to a pulp....serious....or I simply grind it to a pulp in a food processor (yep just like at the beginning stages) and everything is A ok. Just jumping through those hoops but it works for me and I am not hanging over the toilet and wetting my pants puking. *giggle*
Yikes I forgot who was asking- HERNIAS 2 YEARS OUT...Oh yah.....and none of the 7 I have had repaired have ever shown up on a CT scan. *smile* But just think....this is all something that can happen with the results of losing weight. You will feel better once they are repaired. Just think.....the end result of your journey of being healthy is AWESOME! HANG IN THERE!
Love your guts!!! xoxox
OFFICIALLY 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY TODAY -254 POUNDS LOST (and healthy now *smile*) YEAH !!!!

Congratulations on your five year anniversary and even more on the return to good health.
I've seen you post many times and thought how beautiful you are and imagined how perfect your life must be. Today I took time to read your profile and realized what a hard WLS journey you experienced. Your attitude through all the hard times really impressed me and made me realize just how special you are as a person.
May life bring much happiness to you in the future.
Hi Debbie,
Did your post say that you have had 7 internal hernias??? Did you have to have laproscopic surgery to fix them each time?
I've had several as well and think I have another now. Each time it "flares" up I'm able to work through it, but I'm anticipating yet another trip to the OR....bummer.
Yes, 7. Only 4 times have I had to had surgery on them though...a couple hernia's were found at the same time during surgeries, however, none were done laproscopically. Fortunately, the doc has used the same scar each and every time...so my belly is a train track from my pubis to my sternum. *smile*
Best wishes on this new hernia for you. Have you started naming yours yet? *giggle*
Love your guts!