Back from the liver clinic....
well let's just say i'm no closer to knowing what's wrong with me if anything. all my tests came out negative which is good but my enzyme numbers were over 200. the doctor said my biopsy showed no signs of liver damage, no copper in my urine, no hepititis....nothing is coming up on my tests. so he did more blood work to check my numbers today and compare them to the numbers from august. he said if they're higher then he's going to start whittling away at my meds/vitamins and see if we can find the culprit that way. i have to go back in january for more fun. so who knows what's going on....not me that's for sure! just my little update...thanks to everyone listening to me complain about this for all these months!!
i don't think they tested me for those vitamins lately. maybe i can have my regular doc said out a rec. form for me to go to his lab to have those levels checked. besides i've been wanting to have him check my b12 levels. my gyno is in the same office building as my PCP so maybe i'll call him today and stop in the lab tomorrow while i'm there to have the labs done. thanks for the info....
Hello Steph,
I can understand your frustration, but at least you know what you DON'T have. I have heard that high liver enzymes is relatively common post-op, but I haven't heard why. I got my results from my current blood tests today. Enzymes are still elavated, but not as high as yours and one of the tests showed low protein levels. I'll be having a liver biopsy probably a week from Friday. One site I was looking at said you had to have a ride home and that you had to be in bed for the next 8-10 hours. Was that true for you? I'm supposed to take pictures at our Jr. High dance that night and that presents a problem to say the least.
i did have to get a ride home. the biopsy itself only took a moment to do but then i had to lay in recovery for a couple hours then come home and just relax that day. i didn't have to lay in bed but i wasn't supposed to do much that whole day and night. so i'd probably reschedule your biopsy if you want to do the pics that night.
Stephanie...I'm glad to hear that you don't have anything seriously wrong with you at the momemt - not that high enzymes is not a reason to be concerned, It could be the vitamins or if you take tylenol too often. My dr put me on 1 vitamin a day because I need that to survive. I am not allowed to drink tea of any kind, or take tylenol. So I can take something formy stomach then take IBprofen, but not regularly. You are doing very well with everything else - take care deb k
thanks deb...i'm hoping it's just the vitamins and he's leaning toward that now since nothing else is coming up. i changed my multivitamin from prenatals to a regular chewable multi. i'm curious to see if there will be any changes on the bloodwork he took yesterday. oh and i can rule out tylenol...i've never been one to take that or anything else for headaches...i just let them go away on their own or sleep them off.